I love the name Declan if we have a boy. If we have a girl H still wants to name her Declan. I'm not so on board with that. Thoughts?
Ideas for middle names for her with the first name Declan.
Ideas for boy middle names with the first name being Declan.
I like Declan James but I don't like the idea of him possibly going by DJ.
Thanks Ladies!
Re: Feedback Please
What about Delaney for a girl? Or Dahlia.
Declan on a girl is just mean.
If you call him Declan, so will most people. I don't even know most of my friends' middle names.
Also, Declan for a girl? No. Just no.
Life with Blog
I agree. But if you insist on Declan for a boy, I don't think people would start calling him DJ (for Declan James) unless you all do.
You are right to not be on board with Declan for a girl. That is awful.If you are not okay with it then it shouldn't even be an option. I think the pp gave good suggestions for girl names.
I'm not a fan of the name but it's fine for a boy. I don't think DJ is going to be the first NN people think of. If they call him DJ then just correct them.
This. Thumbs up!
All of this. Would you name a boy Susan? No.
THIS AND i think DJ is cute.
I agree with pps. I love Declan for a boy, and I am actually a person that likes gender neutral names on a girl, but Declan is not gender-neutral. IMO, it is full-on masculine, and I don't care for it as a girl's name.
Deirdre, maybe?
Declan is a boy's name, period.
There might be girls out there named Declan (poor things) but that doesn't make it a neutral name, they're girls with a boy name.
I like Declan James for a boy. If you don't like the nn DJ, don't call him DJ - very simple.
Exactly. Declan is a great boys name. No where near nice for a girl. Please do not do that.
I don't think the "DJ" initials will become a thing unless you call him that. Declan James sounds great.