Two Under 2

InStep (Grand) Safari Double, Anyone?

Anyone have a InStep Safari/Grand Safari double stroller?  The reviews on Amazon seem pretty good, and the price right now is certainly right.  TIA!

Re: InStep (Grand) Safari Double, Anyone?

  • I have it!  I've had it since 2008 when DD2 was old enough to use it.

    I am not really a stroller Mom for the mall, stores, etc but for walks this is awesome!  A friend of mine actually texted me about this deal (getting my opinion).

    I have no regrets, but I would not have this be my only stroller if I frequently was going to take it through doorways, in public bathrooms, etc.

    FTR:  I also do run with my 5 & 2 yo's in it.  I was only a walker when I first bought it for my infant & 2 yo.

  • We have it.  I only use it for out door use.  We live out in the country an I walk alot when then weather is good.  Also agree it isn't so good for the mall or stores.
                                                 Mom to 4 wonderful daughters
                                 Breanna, Ellie and 
                                 our 2 rainbow babies.

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