
Anyone have one with special needs?

Just curious if any other MoM have dealt with having one child with special needs or some type of developmental delay and one or more others more typically developing. We are going through this now. They are getting closer to 3 so the disparity seems to be getting greater. We are looking at the prospect of separate preschools and just looking for anyone going through something similar or who has gone through it.

Re: Anyone have one with special needs?

  • my av is still in ST (she goes private 1 time/week)...she received PT and ST and through EI from 21 months - 3 years...she also attended the ei playgroup with her sister for supervised interaction...

    by the time she turned 3 she had graduated from PT, but was still receiving her eval she was still behind in her language, but borderline - we decided to go the private ST route and send both her and her sister to private preschool (which is also fullday care)...

    we could have had her evaluated for the SN preschool in our town...but the hours are pt (and we need ft care) and we wanted to keep the girls together...dh and I felt that this was the best arrangement for her and agreed that we would re-evaluate if need be...we are almost at the 1 year mark and so far she is doing well and progressing with the arrangement. 

  • I have a friend who has a son with SPD and her daughter is NT.  They also have different birthdays :)  He was born right before midnight and she was right after midnight.  I have another friend whose daughter has Down Syndrome and her son is typical.  I'm blessed with twins that are on the autistic spectrum.  Both boys also have dyslexia and speech issues.  My youngest also has autism (and a genetic syndrome called 16p11.2 duplication).
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  • Yep. One was about 2 months ahead of the other for a while in infancy but after they turned 2, the gap started to widen. One of mine is on track with cognitive skills and speech, but he's been in therapies for about a year and a half now. He's had feeding therapy, EI, OT, PT and an SN itinerant teacher from the school district.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • My boys are only 2.5 so we're not at the preschool level yet but the gap between them also started to widen at 2. Both my boys are speech delayed and are in ST, but 1 is catching up to his age level pretty well and the other just....isn't.
  • Mine are only 6 months but my DS has been receiving PT for 3 months due to hypertonia. We recently discovered that my DD likely has the same problem and her evaluation is Thursday. Right now this is all we know of as far as delays but we are prepared for further "issues" as they get older. I had a placental abruption and both babies were without oxygen for an unknown amount of time. So far they are cognitively on track but delayed a bit physically.
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  • My baby A has SPD and severe delays they are thinking she has CP. She does PT, OT and feeding with EI. My other 2 are typically developing or advanced. 
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  • Thanks everyone for the replies. It is nice to find people dealing with the same issues. I find myself struggling a little bit with balancing meeting their needs as individuals and not sort of holding one back for the other but at the same time balancing their need/ desire to be together at this young age. The older they're getting the wider the dispersion seems to be getting and I don't want to force a situation that maybe isn't the best just because they were born at the same time.
  • My twins are doing great but I do see some signs of delay in my girl twin.  =(   My brother has twins too and one is Autistic. They were allowed to go to the same school but the Autistic twin had more one on one help. My brother is a teacher so he works a lot one on one with his son too and as he gets older I do see he is doing much better. I think emotionally if they were to go to separate schools it would have crushed him though. He gets scared easily.   =( 

    I have older children too and two are dyslexic and one is ADHD and possibly bipolar.  

    I would suggest trying to find a support group in the area that deals with parents and kids. My brother and his wife found one early on and made some really good friends and found it really helpful to them and the kids.

    Good luck 

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  • My twins are 3 and go to different preschools. One had a brain tumor which resulted in some physical difficulties so she qualified for the public preschool whereas the other is typically developing so she didn't qualify.

    its crazy running between 2 schools but separating them has been  great for them.


    good luck! 

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