Natural Birth

What to wear for water labor

I'm planning on laboring in a bath tub at the hospital (but not birthing) and I'm trying to decide what to bring to wear in the water.  I suppose I could just sit in there naked, but I'm modest and would feel a bit awkward with nurses and my MW coming and going.  I have a maternity swimsuit (tank and skirt), would that work?  I've heard some women don't like anything on their bellies, so would an old bikini be better?  Other options?  Thanks ladies!

Re: What to wear for water labor

  • I labored in the tub for a little bit during my home birth.  I just wore a sports bra.  Granted I was progressing fast and by the time I got in the tub I was nearing transition and didn't really care who saw what.
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  • I wore a sportsbra
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  • I brought a bikini top to the hospital the first time, but I didn't end up wearing.  I guess I'm one of those women who likes to be naked.  But good to bring it because you never know what you will want.  I know some women just wear the hospital gown into the tub and change into a new one when they get out.  I guess that's always an option too.
  • I spent my entire labor at the hospital in the tub, only got out to push. When I decided to get in I asked DH for my swimsuit top that I had brought and the nurse laughed at me and just told me to get in naked. I was hesitant, but I went with it. I feel like modesty kind of goes out the window during labor. I am very modest normally, but frankly  I could have given birth in the middle of a street. I was naked during the entire labor and when I gave birth. The nurses didn't bother me and DH at all while I was in the tub, only came in when he pushed a button. My MW was there the majority of the time as well, but seeing as she was about to pull a baby out of my vag the last thing I cared about was her seeing my boobs.

    ETA: I had brought an old bikini top
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  • In the hospital you will have any number of folks throughout the day with their hands anywhere and everywhere checking your progress. You may want to wear a bra or supportive top but you won't want to be sliding on and off a wet swimsuit every time someone comes in to check your cervix. I'd bring a robe for when you're out of the tub but don't worry about bottoms.
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  • I wore a sports bra and boy shorts.
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  • Dude, when you are in labor and birthing a baby all modesty goes out the window!! I sat in the tub naked and loved it.
  • I had a hospital water birth. I labored in a bikini and just removed my bottoms when I was ready to push. 

  • I only wore a nursing bra.  I was unconformable being naked and did not want my boobies flooping everywhere.  I never bothered with bottoms.
  • Thanks for sharing your experience.  It sounds like a sports bra is the way to go.  That actually sounds way better than my maternity tankini, which is kind of hard to take off when wet.  Plus, the sports bra won't get in the way when they want to do the occasional baby monitor.  I have a feeling I'll end up bottomless as it will probably feel best.  Plus, then I don't have to worry about ruining anything with random bodily fluids :)
  • I was naked. I felt too constricted wearing anything. I didn't even care who saw.
    Mommy to Emery Vera 5.20.12  Blog
  • I was super naked...I didn't want anything touching my skin. I was surprised by how strong the urge to be naked was. I arrived at the birth center and immediately pulled my dress off. My MW didn't bat an eye.
  • When you pick out a sports bra you might want to consider one with hook/eye closure so you won't have to be struggling to pull off a wet sports bra over your head between contractions of right after delivering so you can do skin to skin and nurse. 

    I thought I would be way more modest than I ended up being.  I labored and delivered in a red bra. lol.  My water broke really early in my labor and there was meconium in the fluid and the MW basically said I needed to be bottoms off at that point because holding any fluids at/near my vagina would promote infection.

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