Baby Names

Baby girl name help

So I really like the name Kahlan for a girl but when I had my daughter everyone hated it so I chose something else. We have 3 kids now and are expecting again. If it is a girl is really like to use it but I just want to see what everyone here thinks. Thoughts?

Re: Baby girl name help

  • I am with everyone, I don't like it. If you do then maybe you should go for it, but choose a less complicated spelling and a very feminine mn. I like Callen for a boy. Calla is similar but much more feminine. 

  • Like Colin?


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  • I am also unsure of the pronunciation. Is it like Colin?
  • imageIdani:
    I'm not 100 sure how to pronounce it?

    This! How are you pronouncing it?
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  • Not even knowing how to pronounce it, I already know I don't like it. It looks made up, like you slapped some letters together randomly. 

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  • The friend of a friend named her daughter Kahlan, it's a book reference isn't it?

    I don't like it at all.

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  • I'm with PP's... how in the heck do you pronounce it?

    Maybe with a certain pronunciation it wouldn't be bad but the spelling looks very masculine, I would change the spelling.

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  • imageIdani:

    I'm not 100% sure how to pronounce it?




    This. Can't say if I like it bc I can't pronounce it.

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  • imageBlindysWife:
    Not even knowing how to pronounce it, I already know I don't like it. It looks made up, like you slapped some letters together randomly. 
     This.  How about Callista?
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  • Does it sound like the male name "Collin"? Personally I wouldn't name my child something that had unclear pronunciation. Maybe use it as a middle name?
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  • Not a don't want a name that no one knows how to pronounce. She will get very frustrated in school when she has to constantly correct people.
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  • If you want Kahlan go for it.. I was pressured into naming my son Holten and he is 5 now. Since he was 6 months old I've called him by the NN Bo, never by his real name. I HATE the choice I made BC it was MY kid and I Don even call him by his really name, just a silly nickname!

    I would try a different spelling though..
  • My thought is that I have no idea what this name is.
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  • It's can be said like kaylynn but I'd say it like Colin. Yes it is from a book. Knowing that so many people don't like it maybe ill just choose something else. I also really like Annalina. From the same book nn Lina
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