Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Choose a name of Celtic origin. Irish, Welsh, Scottish, Cornish and Manx.
For inspiration:
I went with Finnegan.
Re: ***March Siggy Challenge***
Many people use Tinypic.com to upload photos.
? On this screen, you will be able to upload a photo for your avatar, as well as edit your signature.
For IMAGE Instructions, click here.
Code to add a picture to you signature:
<img src="INSERT TINYPIC CODE HERE" width=220>
Getting images / text on to separate lines:
add the following code after your picture/link codes in order to make them be on separate lines: <br>
So it will look something like this
Past Challenges: March, January, December, November, October, September, July, June, May, April, March, February, January, December, November and October