Okay , I'm King (Real Name) I'm 17and Pregnant , I Model , Do Gymnastics & Dance Ballet , Not To Mention I'm A Straight A Student . I Know What Your Thinking ... What Happened , Well A Boy Happened... My Mother Is Excited But I'm Not Sure Exactly How I'm Feeling At The Moment , I'm Happy Some Days And Feel Like I Just Destroyed My Life Others . Opinions Needed
Re: A Friend
you JUST took the words out of my mouth
My BFP Chart || Ovulation Calendar
Cool Story Bro.
What happened is you had sex without protection and now you are KTFU. Even a straight A honor student that has an active physical life can do that. You have options. I would go to planned parenthood and inform yourself. If you want to continue the pregnancy then there are many resources that can help you out.
Good luck.
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
This is what I was thinking.
if your logged in from a desktop or laptop computer wait for the tool bar at the top of the box to load click on the
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I find it hard to believe that a mother of a 17 year old high school student who supposedly gets straight A's is excited about her daughter getting knocked up.
Total MUD.
And if it isn't.... then maybe you need to go talk to your teachers about your grades. With this grammar at 17, someone messed up somewhere.
I was thinking the same thing.
I would be so much more fun if OP came back in and tried to "explain"
This thread is starting to suck without OP fighting back
A Friend,
Please disregard the ignorant and rude remarks that were made regarding your grammar. It is a disappointment to see adult women criticizing a 17 year old about her grammar instead of trying to impart some wisdom.
I think the best thing for you to do is sit down with your mom or any women that you respect and explain to them how you are feeling. If that doesn't work get educated by going to Planned Parenthood to determine what your options are. Either way the choice is yours, no matter what you chose only you can destroy your life.
Best of Luck!