
Can I pout for a minute?

My DH's brother just came home to visit from NC. He forgot to mention he was bringing his girlfriend, dog, and two other friends as well.  AND he is staying for 2-3 weeks.  I want to move out. Crying
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Re: Can I pout for a minute?

  • Saywhatnow? They expect you to to have room for all of them, and they didn't tell you? Direct them to the nearest Best Western.


  • I would cut slack for a +1 SO. He should have told you she was coming, but one person sharing his room/bed isn't a huge extra hassle.

    But a dog and two extra friends??? Holy crap.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
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  • Hell to the nawww! Send them packing.
  • image30HelensAgree:
    Hell to the nawww! Send them packing.

    What she said!! I would have flipped!
  • Unfortunately, not ONE of them has a job, so the Best Western is out. But I did tell DH if he doesn't figure something out soon, I'm not going to be responsible for anything that comes out of my mouth.  Holy crap, It just occurred to me that I have to feed them.

    Maybe I can just stay at work for a week or so....

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  • imagePD0323:
    Unfortunately, not ONE of them has a job, so the Best Western is out. But I did tell DH if he doesn't figure something out soon, I'm not going to be responsible for anything that comes out of my mouth.nbsp; Holy crap, It just occurred to me that I have to feed them.
    Maybe I can just stay at work for a week or so....

    Feeding them would be out! Maybe make them one dinner then have them find some money and go grocery shopping.
  • No. You can say no. "No" is a full sentence.

    Or you could say that they can only stay three days. Or that your brother and SO can stay but not the other friends.

    What does your DH think of this?

    Your BIL and his friends are being incredibly rude. It isn't rude to say no, especially when they are being this rude. It doesn't matter that he is family. He doesn't get to move himself and three other people into YOUR house without asking. And bringing a dog?

    If your DH told them that they could stay that long and all come, he deserves some outrage as well. He can go back and say, "I really shouldn't have said we could host so many people for so long. We don't have the space or money, and we have family obligations. You can only stay three days."

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  • Pretend to have a stomach virus. They'll leave quickly;) 
  • You deserve more than a minute of pouting. 
            image image  image 
    To be loved, and to be in love
  • Holy crap. I'd probably hide in my bedroom until they took the hint and left.

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                                         DS is 1DAF

    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
  • I think you are being taken advantage of tbh. It is your house. You have the right to refuse these folks.

    Did your husband know they were all coming or did he just think it was your brother? You said "he" forgot to mention, but I wasn't sure which he you were referencing.

    Either way- your BIL should have known better as a functioning adult.  

    Plus, you have to feed these people? Nope. I would make dinner for you, your husband, and kids. We used to do this to my BIL when we were trying to get him to move out last year. He would ask "Whats for dinner?" we would answer, "Well, DH/DW and I are having ________." He moved out shortly after. 

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  • imagelaceyjean1:
    You deserve more than a minute of pouting. 

    This. The door would be swinging the other way quicker than they could say, "good to see you".

    Honestly speaking though...I'd be having a serious word with said visitor that decided to bring the whole kit n caboodle.

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  • imageEllaHella:
    Oh hells no.  To the curb with them.

    This. No effing way would I let 3 unexpected guests and a dog stay in my house for 2-3 weeks. I wouldn't be thrilled if I knew ahead of time, either, but at least I could have prepared. Uh-uh, hell no. 

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  • We will also need an update on this.


  • imageMrs.adambabycakes:
    We will also need an update on this.

    Yup. I also need details on if your H knew ahead of time, and exactly how you didn't say, "oh hell no," the moment you were told how long they'd stay and who was there.

    How did this conversation happen? "Yo, SIL, this is my GF and my dog and two friends. We'll be here for 2 to 3 weeks. What's for dinner?"

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