Baby Names

Aurelia ?

H and I have a harder time agreeing on girl names. We've got a short list of names we both like, but nothing seems to be screaming out to either of us. 

I am kind of liking Aurelia today, but its completely unlike all the other names that are our taste. (Names like Margaret or Eleanor.) Aurelia definitely seems frill-er/girly-er/foo-fooey-er. Ha.

What are your impressions of Aurelia? (ah-rehl-yah) 

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Re: Aurelia ?

  • I love it. I knew a girl in hs named Aurelia and I've loved it ever since
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  • I love it. I have a friend with a daughter named Aurelia. Beautiful name.
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  • I always think Areola. :/
    ~~Kelly~~ Mommy to Aiden 6/2007 and Lilah 2/2010 BabyFetus Ticker
  • I think it's pretty.  My sister wants to use it as a MN for one of her twins. 

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  • imagefreelancemommy:
    I always think Areola. :/

    Ha! I always say this for Ariella :P 

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  • imagefreelancemommy:
    I always think Areola. :/

    Yup. Pretty name, but I would be worried about kids making that association and calling her Areola.

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  • I think Aurelia is a beautiful name. DH didn't think so though because theres a city close to where we live called Orillia and that's all he can think of since they sound identical.
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  • My friend's name is Aurelia, I love it. It's not common, it's cute.
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  • How do you pronounce this? It looks pretty but I'm not sure how it sounds.
  • I love it. Very feminine and beautiful.
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  • imageKierasmommy09:
    How do you pronounce this? It looks pretty but I'm not sure how it sounds.

    Ahh (like open wide and say ahhh), rell (rhymes will dell, sell, well), yuh (um, like, if you said Julia as jule-yuh).


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  • I love it- reminds me of Love Actually.
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  • Ok, yes, I think it is very pretty :-)
  • imageanamouse:
    What about Ariela? 

    thanks for the suggestion, but nope.

    And to the OP that had the Love Actually reference: LOVE that movie! 

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  • I love it! It makes be think of Love Actually.

  • imagefreelancemommy:
    I always think Areola. :/

    Me too.

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  • imagefreelancemommy:
    I always think Areola. :/


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  • I took Marine Biology in highschool and all I can think of is Aurelia aurita, the Moon Jellyfish 

  • I really like it. I think it sounds beautiful!

    ETA: I don't think pronunciation would be a problem. 

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  • I like it. Unique without sounding made up IMO
  • I pronounce it aw-ray-lee-uh. I'm not a fan of the ah-rehl-yah pronounciation. Apart from that I think it's a beautiful name, albeit a bit frilly, so I get where you're coming from. The frilliness would probably make me use it as a mn. Margaret Aurelia sounds very regal :)
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  • I can't get behind this name. I think people will have a hard time pronouncing it. I can hardly say it myself.

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  • imageLMvW85:
    I pronounce it aw-ray-lee-uh. I'm not a fan of the ah-rehl-yah pronounciation. Apart from that I think it's a beautiful name, albeit a bit frilly, so I get where you're coming from. The frilliness would probably make me use it as a mn. Margaret Aurelia sounds very regal :)

    Oooh, I quite like this combo! Yes 

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  • Very pretty, old-fashioned-but-not-too-stodgy name. I used to work with a young woman who had this name, and I don't remember anyone in the office having trouble spelling or pronouncing it.

    It is a little "frilly," like you said, but that's more a matter of personal taste. I'd probably pair it with a less girly MN for balance, like Aurelia Margaret, Aurelia Frances, Aurelia Jane.


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  • Not a fan and I think your LO would spend a lot of time correcting people on pronunciation.

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  • imagefreelancemommy:
    I always think Areola. :/

    Me too :
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  • I like Aurelia.  I think DH and I had it on our name list a long time ago, a couple of years before we actually had kids.  I don't actually think of it as frilly; it's an old Roman name and it sounds a bit stodgy and matronly to me (in a good way), not girly.
    DD born 10/10/07 * DS born 11/25/11 * #3 due 3/9/2015
  • NMS, don't love it. 


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