July 2011 Moms

I may be over thinking...

Dd is 19 mo, and I am such a stress case when it comes to her development. I want to make sure I'm doing everything possible for her. With that said, I'm just curious about two things: first, she does not even give me a facial expression, or any sign when she has to go to the bathroom. I'm worried I should be teaching her to tell me, but I'm not sure how. Second, she knows what certain shapes, numbers, and other things are and will point and say them, but never when asked "what's that?" It's almost like she doesn't understand the question. I'm really just looking for any tips or advice from you guys, since our babies are all around the same age! I know they develop differently, I just want to make sure I'm not missing something I should be doing.

Re: I may be over thinking...

  • First of all, breathe. Children develop at different paces, so don't fret. My DS gives no indication when he's had a bowel movement. None. Kid would stay in a crappy diaper all day long if I let him. I've been trying to ask him if he has a poopy and mention it while I'm changing him. Still nothing and I'm not concerned. As for the shapes, I'd just keep repeating and trying to get answers. But no need to worry, I'm sure she's doing just fine :)


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  • imagewfdfire607:
    First of all, breathe. Children develop at different paces, so don't fret. My DS gives no indication when he's had a bowel movement. None. Kid would stay in a crappy diaper all day long if I let him. I've been trying to ask him if he has a poopy and mention it while I'm changing him. Still nothing and I'm not concerned. As for the shapes, I'd just keep repeating and trying to get answers. But no need to worry, I'm sure she's doing just fine :nbsp;

    Thank you! Not only did you give me a laugh, but you actually made me feel better. I worry so much about what I'm doing!
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  • imagerandomosity:

    First of all, breathe. Children develop at different paces, so don't fret. My DS gives no indication when he's had a bowel movement. None. Kid would stay in a crappy diaper all day long if I let him. I've been trying to ask him if he has a poopy and mention it while I'm changing him. Still nothing and I'm not concerned. As for the shapes, I'd just keep repeating and trying to get answers. But no need to worry, I'm sure she's doing just fine :)



    Exactly this. There are times when DD poops and I have no idea when she did. She's sneaky about it and doesn't care that she's just chillin' in her own stink. And as for the shapes, we do the same thing with animals noises and the only one she cares to repeat right now is when I ask her, "What does a dragon say?" and she always replies, "Rawr!" I know she knows other animals noises but she just doesn't care to tell us what they "say." It's all normal! They all go through phases :) Don't stress!

    Thank you!! I've decided to chalk it up to she's just a kid who doesn't like being out on the spot, haha!
  • My DD is the same way- the only way I know she is pooping is because she goes and sits next to the kitchen heater. I guess that is her private spot? Otherwise, she does not indicate that she has gone at all. As for the pointing, we are in the exact same situation- she points when asked, but doesn't say the words or anything. I think it is pretty normal, try not to worry! 
  • Thank you guys so much. I just needed my anxiety knocked down a few pegs!
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