I have already come to accept that fact that I will not carry these babies to term, does that ever happen anyway? My husband wants me to ask my doctor when I should expect to deliver, but I know that that is a very individual question.
How long did you ladies carry with your multiples, specifically twins? If it matters, I am a bit on the short side, 5'3" and about 119lbs. pre-pregancy (I have sort a very athletic build). I am also severely lacking in the hips department. I usually equate my body type as that of 12-year old boy. I know, very attractive haha.
Re: How long were you pregnant for?
I'm just over 5'3". I am 29yrs old. I had two full term (40w 1d) singletons prior to my twins (once 10yrs ago, one 6yrs ago). My twins were born via induction at 37w 2d due to pre-eclampsia. My boys made room for themselves in my pelvis and in my rib cage. I didn't get much bigger with the boys than a lot of women get with one baby, even tho Simon was almost 6lbs and James was 5 1/2lbs (picture below is from the day I was induced, morning before the boys were born). Unless you have a medical condition preventing it from doing so, your body will adjust to accomodate the LOs
Right ovary removed 09.04.2012 via vertical laparotomy
Essure implant placed on remaining tube 06.13.2013; successful followup scan 09.30.2013
Check out the FAQ-- this question was posted there.
I delivered at 38w1d by unplanned c/s, as both babies had low fluid and baby boy was having heart decelerations during that morning's NST. I think they would have stayed in there forever, otherwise.
BFP #2 1/22/2012 ~ DS2 & DD ~ BIRTHday 9/13/2012 ~ unplanned C-section @ 38w1d
Lost our first little peanut on 1/17/2012 at 9 weeks and 5 days. We miss you little blessing, but we know you were too perfect for this world.
My multiples/parenting/pregnancy/miscarriage blog
12dp5dt: 765; 15dp5dt: 1979; 17dp5dt: 3379...TWINS!!!!!
Our perfect baby boys were born at 36w1d!!
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
<a href="http://s568.photobucket.com/albums/ss122/AliceNP/?action=view
IUI#3 - Jan 6 IVF#1 -5/18 - stims start (225 gonal f, 75 menopur, 5 lupron) ER 5/29 - 14R, 11M, 7F. 6/1 - Transferred 2 8cell embryos (grade 1 and 2). 8dp3dt +HPT, Beta#1 - 92, Beta #2 - 174, Beta#3 - 614, Beta#4 - 2010. 6wk u/s - TWINS! Baby A 114bpm, Baby B 112 bpm
I delivered at 37.5 weeks via scheduled c-section (baby a was breech the whole time). I probably could have gone longer, but the MFM wanted me to deliver that week because it looked like baby a wasn't growing much anymore by that point.
This was after ten weeks of preterm contractions and bed rest!! You never know with twins!
ETA: I am 5'2" and was around 102 lbs pre pregnancy.
Forever! lol No. Seriously. Was scheduled for my c-section for 37w1d but my water broke at 35w5d so I had them at that time.
I'm 5' and was a size 24 pre pregnancy. Stayed the same throughout the pregnancy cause I lost weight but the babies gained.
7 months later I'm still 5' (I know, shocking) but am now a size 14 and going down. Yay new hormomes!
Mine were both transverse the whole time. My son was down by my bladder and my daughter was somewhere by my ribs. She wasn't a big kicker because of how she was positioned. Now she kicks like crazy.
Thanks, ladies!
I am confident I am going to be a weeble as I near the end of this, so hopefully I won't topple over
Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11
I am 5"2 on a good day and my first Dr. was worried about me having twins.I had my older DD with her.
I carried my twins to 38 weeks, had some contractions at 33 weeks, but they were stopped.
If this makes any difference I carried my singleton to 42 weeks
Emerson Lily 6 lbs 13 oz & Ellis Willow 6 lbs 9 oz
I was induced at 34 weeks due to HELLP and preeclampsia. However, I know of other twin moms who made it 38+ weeks. It's not a guarantee that you will deliver very early. Just a possibility.
ETA: I'm am 5'3 and weighed around 125 prepregnancy. If it hadn't been for the outside complications my doctor believes I would have made it to 38 weeks easily.
I've actually have two women tell me recently that they went past 40 weeks with their twins... so yes, you CAN carry full term, it just might not be likely.
Some doctors will not let you go past 38 weeks before they induce or scheduled a c/s. I think you should most definitely ask your doctor what the general procedure is. You need to be on the same page!
7/30/12 - B/G twins born at 33w4d due to PPROM