Cloth Diapering

Overnight diapers!


We are having a really hard time finding an over night diaper that doesn't leak. So far we have tried bluberries with their large insert and a hemp insert and kissaluvs with an extra insert and a flip cover. DD is a side sleeper, so that is part of the issue I believe....any recommendations out there?



Re: Overnight diapers!

  • At 13 months I use a prefold with a hemp insert.  Flip covers work the best for me.
  • I use a small bamboo/hemp jersey insert over two of the joey bunz hemp inserts in a BG 4.0. If you're having leaks from a side sleeper, you may want to consider a fitted and wool.

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  • We use either a SBish fitted or a tots bots stretch bamboozle, a hemp doubler, and a wool cover.  She's in it for about 12 hours - no leaks yet!
  • We had to graduate to fitteds for ON, as well. I have the least leaks with covers that have double-gussets around the legs, but I am getting ready to sew some fleece soakers to try since we're getting some gaps around the waist now.


  • I also have a side sleeper/stomach sleeper. I use a fitted with a hemp doubler with a fleece cover and never have leaks.
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