Attachment Parenting

Interesting text on attachment theory from a neuroscience perspective Family Court Rev 11.pdf

Hi all. I've never formally introduced myself, though I've commented a bit and lurked a bit more, so I'll do that now. I'm Cayenne and I have a 10.5 month old son. We live in Santa Monica. I have some issues I'm going to bring to the table soon on the breast feeding relationship we have that hopefully you will give input on. I could use it! :)

I wanted to share the text from the above link. It was sent to me by a friend who is a family therapist, post-partum doula, and heavily into the neuroscience of relational patterns. The text explores forming attachment between parents and baby. There are a lot of family law implications talked about which may or may not be interesting to you, but regardless I found it fascinating as a parent who happened to take a strong interest in creating a secure attachment with her baby. This is one text from a series that were presented at a conference late last year. The rest are here: 

Re: Interesting text on attachment theory from a neuroscience perspective

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