
How many strollers do I need?

The boys are almost 7 months. I'd like to buy a relatively affordable jogging stroller this spring for running/walking around the neighborhood. Do I really need another stroller? I'm not really the type to go and walk the mall. When can I start using those umbrella strollers? (IFTM here so I'm not sure how these things go!)  TIA!
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Re: How many strollers do I need?

  • imagesing4mysavior:

    we've only had the citi mini since our kids were 2 months old. it's all we need.

    i haven't really seen a true double umbrella stroller and i hear the clips to keep 2 singles together are just need 1 good stroller. :0) GL!

    Thanks for the info! I know the Citi Mini is beloved around that one a jogger? It sounds like a good investment. 

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  • i dont know if its a totally NEED, but we have had 3 and really used all:


    - DSNG, so great for the carseats

    - citi mini double, keep it in the car for anytime we go anywhere, so nice to not have to put a stroller in the car, easy to fold/unfold, and works pretty well on most terrine, but its not a jogger.  We use this at the zoo, grocery store, or meeting someone out for walks.

     -  bugaboo donkey, keep at home for walks (we walk alot around the neighborhood or to get groceries).  This could be any kind of double with big wheels (need something that will get through snow, the citi mini double can in a pinch in a parking lot, but it would be terrible for winter walks here).  A true jogger like the Bob, or somethign like the bumblride Indy or a Mountian buggy would work as well, but I love having the ability to have the babies facing me (donkey is the only one that does this).  In theory I could have just this and no city mini double but its such a pain to fold and drag out to the car when we want to go out.


    Where I live people resell strollers for 50% or more of purchase price if they are well taken care of so I figure I will get a lot of the money back in the end also.

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  • The City Mini is not a jogger.  It's "sister" stroller the City Mini GT is all-terrain, but still not a jogger.  I'm in the market too and I'm convinced that there is no such thing as a compact, lighter weight jogger.  
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  • I have way too many strollers and am thinking of reducing. I don't know which though!

    City Select, great for compact car stroller, tandem, but I am somewhat skeptical of the longevity from a "stop kicking" perspective. But also cannot be used as a jogger, per the manu.

    Bumbleride Indie Twin , super enormous and barely fits in my car, but works as a light jogger up to 10m a week, and adding in that I jog about a 12m mile with the stroller so it really isn't too far off walking anyhow shrug

    Chicco Twin Sport, got it off CL for cheap, and plan to use it primarily as a travel stroller. It is super compact for a double, but wouldn't work as a jogger.

    Instep jogger, got this free from a friend. I would probably get rid of this before anything else,y husband might want to keep it for weekend runs though. It is a dedicated jogging stroller fixed wheel and would be a Cray day to day stroller. Is about as big as the Bumbleride when folded as well, if not a bit bigger.

    Bob Duallie, don't have one now but did with my older kids. Works great as a dedicated jogger and is passable as a day to day stroller but it is also pretty huge. It wouldn't fit in the trunk of my civic without taking off the wheels, though it would probably fit in my Pilot.
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  • Thanks everyone! I have lots to look up on Amazon now. :
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  • I don't have a jogging stroller but I have friends who adore their Bobs!

    FWIW, counting the DNSG, which is long gone, we've had three strollers and a wagon.
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