I am 38 weeks and 2 days. At the last couple of appointments my blood pressure has been high. I went to L&D a week ago because I didn't right. They did all the test for PreE. Everything was fine then but this morning there was some protein in my urine and my b/p was creeping up again so the midwife swept my membranes to get things going because she feels I am on my way to induction soon because of the b/p issues and she wants things to move along a little faster. All good with me since baby is measuring big and she is full term.
Now I am cramping and I caught a nasty cold! I have a really bad sore throat, cough, and stuffy nose! I will call the dr in the morning of course to see what I can do about it...I am afraid that I will get the baby sick if I go into labor! I've also read that the body won't go into labor until I fight this off? To make things worse...we are in the middle of yet another winter storm!! Anyone ever get sick right before labor?
Re: Too much going on...and now a cold??
Here's to hoping LO stays put for a while!
Feel better soon!
My Ovulation Chart
Sorry you're feeling crummy- I've had a cold/sinus/congestion something or other for the past week, and then Wednesday night DD comes home from school with a fever and DH wakes up sick Thursday morning. I'm hoping LO stay in for a few more days so that there are no issues in the hospital, and I would hate to have to send DD to her grandparents sick.
Hope you start feeling better soon and that you have a smooth L&D!
Thanks everyone! I guess I'm not the only one feeling so icky right now! I really hope we all get better before the peanuts arrive!! And the sick family members too!! I feel bad complaining about being sick when some of you have been ill for a week already!
Good luck everyone!!