I am a mom of two girls, age 4.5 and 1.5. I worked full time up until I had DD#1 and went back to work when she was around 2, worked for a year and a half (DD was went to my MIL's house) until a few months before I had #2. I have been SO blessed to have this time at home with them and I feel even more blessed that DH will be switching up his work to work from home. I just found out I got my job last Friday and we're still working out the kinks, but it looks like my SIL will be watching the girls most of the days. This has taken a huge chunk of stress off of my shoulders as I was having a hard time wrapping my head around daycare or an in house babysitter. Not that its bad, its just the change which I know everyone would get used to. I am really thankful for my SIL agreeing to take this on as she has 3 kids of her own, watches three more kids in the afternoons before she goes to work and works!!! She is a SAINT!
At any rate, I feel that my biggest stress this whole time is the returning to work part. My interim job was a very easy secretarial job (in the same field). I am returning to my career which has been nearly 6 years (paralegal). I am really stressed out about whether or not I still have it in me! I have days where I feel like I can barely keep my life together at home, juggling the kids and keeping up with my household duties. Anyone else out there had a similar situation? I am trying to keep myself positive to say that its just the general nerves of starting any new job. I am just so excited about the opportunity and don't want to mess it up!! My brain is all over the place.
Thanks for reading. I look forward to leaning on you all as I embark on my new journey!
Re: New to WM and Intro
Thanks all for the welcome!
Litzo, she will only have my two girls and my 2 year old niece in the mornings. She'll have 3 mornings where she'll just come here for an hour or so and Thurs, Fri she'll have the three at her house all morning. She'll be done with our kids at noon AND she doesn't have the other kids. I thought she did, but she brings my niece to someone else at 3:00 and her husband picks them all up on his way home from work. It does sound hectic, but she is totally on board and we are paying her and she is excited about the extra cash. Luckily her work is less than a mile away from her home and we're only about 15 minutes away from each other. Crossing our fingers that we can make this arrangement work until the summer at which we're hoping DH will be minus one job and just doing his sales which is nighttime appointments anyway. My head is spinning, but I keep reminding myself that people figure out ways to make it work, we're not the only ones....