Working Moms

recently moved or moving soon?

I posted one of my fears on the toddler board since I have a toddler- :)

But I feel like being a full time mama and getting ready to move is really stressing me out.  I am a planner, an organizer- and just the thought of finding a new school for my daughter (how will I find the time), house repairs (we bought a fixer upper) and on top of that it needs a good scrubing before we move in, figuring out finances ( its like money is falling out of my pockets with all the buying a new house expenses),  work stress, family things going on- 2 upcoming weddings, and just adjusting to suburbia (leaving a fairly big city) its just like my shoulders are under my ears all day long!!

Can you tell me you got through it all okay? My husband is supportive and so is our family- although they are not close in area-

and I am not trying to be a complainer or a whiner- I know a lot of people have way more going on a daily basis its just I am leaving a comfort zone, a house we made our own, an area (although I dont love it anymore) that I know - a school for my daughter I really like- I never was so scared before having a kid and now I am like this scared little baby!! 

Re: recently moved or moving soon?

  • Well the fixer upper part would intimidate me a bit, because it is a bit hard to do that stuff with a LO around, but you just make it work. If it makes you feel any better we moved with a 2yo and a 5 month old and it was fine. We moved from outside DC to basically the sticks (military) and it is a big adjustment, but you can find good things everywhere if you look. It was hard for me to leave the first home that we bought and brought both kids home to, but it has only been a few months and I can look back fondly, but this is getting to be 'home' now.

    I was also terrified of changing DCP, because my DD had been there for 1.5 years and loved her DCP. We had a brief bump in the road at a center, but now found an inhome that she seems to enjoy. She has taken it all in stride. And the hemorraging money will slow down once you are in, just make a budget and stick to it. Personally, if you can swing it, I would pay a service to do a move in cleaning - usually for $200 or so (since there is no furniture/stuff) they will do top to bottom.

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  • We moved from NYC into an apartment in suburbia in CT with a toddler 2.5 years ago because of my new job. And then bought a house and moved into it a year ago (while I was 8 month pregnant). So that was a lot of moving in two years. And, yes, it turned out just fine and so will you :) 

    Yes, I had to find a new daycare and it was a pain but I love it. And although we did not buy a fixer upper it's amazing how much money we already put into the house (20% of the purchase price essentially) - we had to make a few very large repairs/additions but we take it one at a time. Last spring master bathroom/closet, then last fall generator and furnace and this spring hopefully yard and office. So one at a time is key for your budget and sanity - I was freaking out at first when I was trying to get the house "perfect" too quickly. The kids love the huge space inside and outside though (although I do miss New York).

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  • We are moving in a week! And haven't even started packing yet.  Luckily we are just moving to a different part of the same city but still. I know it will be a DISASTER! DH was supposed to be on top of all this since he only works 3 days a week but he isn't.  I will be spending this weekend and every night next week packing Crying

  • My biggest question is- do you have movers moving you? I hope so! IF not, pls shell out the money to do so :). Also I would definitely suggest hiring someone to clean the house or organizing a whole crew of friends & family and sending LO elsewhere for the day and buy everyone pizza & beer and scrub the house together & have fun. Even better, get packers, worth every penny if you can afford it (we have been lucky to have companies pay for that for us).

    I had 2 yr old twins and MH moved to a different state for a job (we had no family in either location) and I was left home Sun night to Fri night to work f/t (albeit a very flexible job), take care of kids and get thehouse ready to sell & then show & then deal w/ all the selling stuff (including the awesome news that we had bats in our attic LOL). I was on my own for about 4 months and then we moved to the new state, lived in temporary apt for 6 weeks and then closed on a house & moved into that. At first, I was very nervous but I just looked at it as this was just the way it was, things we needed to do, I did a lot of lists and weekly goals to get ready and do things for the house or to get ready to move, etc. It all went way better than I could have anticipated by not stressing out & worrying the whole time. I will say one of my children did not do that well w/ the transition once we moved but that is sort of in line w/ his personality. But the move, the changes, the work involved, was all ok in the end. You can do it!

    Now the fixer upper part I can't relate to b/c we are not handy & probably would never get one for that reason...but I imagine that is something you guys enjoy. Try to focus on all the positives! It doesnt all have to be done at once. Focus on the next step & the most important, the other stuff will come.

    Also on the school front- I had to rely on MH to find a daycare/preschool for our kids since i was living away... I was trying to call & ask questions but I just had to trust him and always keep in mind that if I didn't like it, we could change and had some options. In fact, I disliked one of their teachers at the new place immediately adn was very concerned...but we took quick action, talked to the director, I started calling & visiting other places...we ended up waiting it out & it ended up great (once we moved to the next room a few months later) but we knew there were other options out there.  You are not married to a school, you have options and you even could have temporary options if there are wait lists & whatnot...



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