My girls are 20 weeks actual, 11adjusted. They are bottle fed EBM 5 oz 5 times a day. All 3 are medicated for reflux. Lately they are falling asleep through feeds, and their feeds are taking forever 45 to 60 min each We had been using stage one Bo.rnFree nipples. We switched to stage two today to see how it goes. Two feeds in and reflux issues seem to be at bay, there's just more coughing than I'd like. Am I pushing them into stage two too soon it's for 3 to 6 months or is the coughing just part I'd adjusting to a new flow. I don't know how to factor in their prematurity, or if I even should.
FWIW, all are making appropriate growth and developmental milestones.
4/13/12--1st u/s. IDENTICAL TRIPLETS (?!?)
PAIF and SAIF welcome

Re: Nipple size help