
Who's had a CVS? Need reassurance...

I am thinking of getting a CVS with this pregnancy since I am 36 and my nuchal results were somewhat higher risk.  I don't want to wait 6 weeks to find out what's going on with my baby.  I know there are risks with CVS and I would love to hear your experiences with it.  How long does it take?  How much does it hurt?  Or is it just uncomfortable?

Thanks so much!

Re: Who's had a CVS? Need reassurance...

  • I haven't had one, but I would ask on the Pregnant after 35.  I bet you would get a lot of responses there.  I hear they hurt!  Sorry.  The only advice I would give is to find a dr who has done a lot of them.  I worked in genetics with the results, and trust me, experience makes a huge difference!  They can get the wrong sample, too much, not enough, destroy the tissue...too scary.  Don't be afraid to ask for an experienced Dr. and GL :)
  • I'm heading out the door to work now, but happy to chat with you about the experience later tonight (feel free to page me).

    I've had two now (one with each DS), and they were relatively easy and preliminary results are now available in 48-72hours if you request FISH testing (can't remember what that stands for).

    Our genetics counselor and all the literature I read said the risk to baby is the same now for CVS as amnio - they've done many more of them in the last few years, so as long as you choose someone who's done lots and lots of them (this is the part worth researching!), you have a 99% chance of everything being just fine for the baby post-procedure.  :)

    I was really glad to have the results - finding out gender early is a nice bonus, too! LOL.


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  • I had the CVS test b/c I had an ultrasound done due to some cramping and bleeding around 10 weeks and it showed an increased nuchal measurement.  Since I am fairly low risk (was 26 at the time and no family history), my OB recommended further testing.  The clinic that we went to was quite experienced with this type of testing and the doctor was great.  It was about an hour from start to finish, including preliminary ultrasounds and genetic consultation.   The doctor (as I am sure you know) can either get the sample going through the vagina or abdominally (similar to amnio) depending on the position of the baby to get the tissue.  My test was performed vaginally.  The doctor numbed the cervix and it was not much more uncomfortable than an annual exam overall.  We opted for the FISH test which can provide results within the first 48 hours in addition to the regular test.  Our little girl was healthy and is doing great.  If the results showed a genetic problem, it would have allowed for us to research and be better informed parents for our child.  For us, knowing that our baby was healthy set our minds at ease.  Ultimately, you have to decide if the risks involved with the tests are worth it for your family.  Best of luck and let me know if you have any further questions.  I would be more than happy to answer anything I can!
    DD #1 - 01.08
    DD #2 - 03.13
  • My nuchal results came back very high for DS (one in 4 chance) and by that time it was too late for a CVS. I did the amnio a couple weeks later.

     My doc told me that it's very important to find a doc who has performed TONS of them. Find one that is experienced. It's my understanding that the risks for a CVS are slightly higher than an amnio.


    I won't lie, the amnio hurt for the 20 seconds they had to extract the fluid. I expect that a CVS would hurt just as much since it's invasive.

     Best of luck to you in your decision.

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