
This stroller thing is giving me a headache

I don't KNOW.  Geez.  I want a stroller that's relatively easy to fold, has the potential to travel with us via plane, can hold up to sidewalk cracks and the occasional grass or trail, can go shopping, and money isn't our main concern.  Is that impossible to find in a twin stroller?  I've read everywhere about the City Mini and the City Mini GT, but I was just reading over on "Nurseries and Baby Gear" that the GT isn't all it's cracked up to be.  Ughhh.  I don't need to buy this thing tomorrow, but it's giving me a headache trying to decide which way to go.  I have a double snap and go for the earliest days.  Help me out...
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Re: This stroller thing is giving me a headache

  • imagesing4mysavior:
    Our city mini does all the things you described. I recommend it. GL!

    Yep, LOVE it. 

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I have the City Select with the 2nd seat and really love it...
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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  • I just got my city mini GT and its AWESOME! I love it.  So much better than the snap and go. If you travel on planes I was always told to get the COMBI TWIN it folds and s light. 
  • If you have a DSNG and don't need a 'real' stroller for awhile, can I suggest just waiting until your twins are old enough and then going out to test drive several kinds?  That's what we did with DS1 and I was surprised that the stroller everyone told me I would love and I fully expected to buy turned out to be a pain to fold and DS didn't like it.  We ended up with something completely different just based on putting him in 6-7 different strollers and seeing what we both liked.
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  • imageyinyang124:

    Our city mini does all the things you described. I recommend it. GL!

    Yep, LOVE it. 

    Yep! We just sold ours a couple weeks ago (our boys are 4) and I miss it already. :p I know nothing about the GT though.

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • Maclaren. It's awesome...not super good for RUGGED outings...but perect for all the things you listed above.



    Olivia and Matilda, 09/10/201 - Graham, 10/01/2013

  • Everyone I know with a CityMini loves it.  I don't think you can go wrong.

    It was too short for me, so I went with the Combi Twinsport, which I adore.

     A note about airline travel - the airlines all put a waver on strollers that says they are not responsible for any damages.  Before taking your spendy stroller on a plane, think about picking up a couple of used umbrella strollers that you will let the airlines trash.

    Saving money while raising more kids than you bargained for! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • We like our Valco zee two.Go to to check it out.
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