I never experienced morning sickness in the first trimester so I thought I was golden.
Now, not so much. At 34 weeks with twins I am getting extremely uncomfortable and pretty much nothing seems manageable.
Here's my question, I am having a hard time distinguishing if I've got third tri morning sickness going on or the flu. Monday morning I was up vomitting all morning, and had spells where I felt awesome and then 30 min later felt nauseous again. Tuesday was great, ate fine had an appt and things were great. Then today is a repeat of Monday all over again. It seems like if I'm just laying down I'm fine but the minute I eat or drink anything, I feel sick. One banana made my stomach feel like I was going to burst from being so "full". I'm not running a temp either.
Does this sound like ms or the flu to you? Also, did the position of your babies ever make you nauseous when you ate?
Sorry this is so long and filled with mostly dumb questions but I'm miserable!
Re: 34 weeks with twins...
TTC #1 since May 2010. BFP #1 - 5/31/10; m/c on 7/22/10
Started seeing RE in August 2011
5 IUIs: BFN; IVF #1 - Success! BFP - 7/25/12
If I keeps up I'll have to ask for the zofran. Thanks!
I started vomiting again a couple days ago. I have been feeling the same as you described and my OB said it is because I have hardly any space left in my stomach. Also baby B flipped from head down to head up and that has been causing me more pain. It is almost painful when I eat and it has to be small amounts or I lose it.