Why are these replies so mean?? Eco-mama just needs to register for what she wants at an eco-friendly store. She'll of course get things she doesn't want, which she can give to a shelter or charity.
All of you need to stop and go pick up your etiquette books and read what real etiquette is. It is being understanding. She wasn't able to attend the shower for her first child because she had an emergency c-section. Even I caught onto the fact she was having a shower for her second child only because she was unable to attend the one for her first child.
If you want to bash anyone, bash yourselves over the head with a copy of How to Be a Hepburn in a Hilton World. All of you need to have some class and stop talking trash.
All of you need to stop and go pick up your etiquette books and read what real etiquette is. It is being understanding. She wasn't able to attend the shower for her first child because she had an emergency csection. Even I caught onto the fact she was having a shower for her second child only because she was unable to attend the one for her first child. If you want to bash anyone, bash yourselves over the head with a copy of How to Be a Hepburn in a Hilton World. All of you need to have some class and stop talking trash.
BUT she posted on THEIR board. THEIRS. How damn dare she. By asking for advice she gave them permission to verbally punch her. My guess, most of these women have zero fun on their lives because they are too busy being proper. I'm sure they would all love second and third showers and to be celebrated for a happy occasion but with the stick up their asss they can't do anything but *** about people who post on their board.
All of you need to stop and go pick up your etiquette books and read what real etiquette is. It is being understanding. She wasn't able to attend the shower for her first child because she had an emergency c-section. Even I caught onto the fact she was having a shower for her second child only because she was unable to attend the one for her first child.
If you want to bash anyone, bash yourselves over the head with a copy of How to Be a Hepburn in a Hilton World. All of you need to have some class and stop talking trash.
she said that she didn't attend that shower but that she still received all the gifts and her family didn't pay attention to her registry so she was trying to avoid that from happening again with her second shower. The point is, she has a child under three years old so why does she need all new stuff and another shower for the second child, especially since she is trying to be ecofriendly. I didn't think my response to her was so nasty. This is what she said about baby shower 1:
I have already tried hinting at it by talking about my likes and dislikes and I even made a gift registry with DD#1 at a more preferred store and told everyone. They didn't take the hint obviously.
All of you need to stop and go pick up your etiquette books and read what real etiquette is. It is being understanding. She wasn't able to attend the shower for her first child because she had an emergency csection. Even I caught onto the fact she was having a shower for her second child only because she was unable to attend the one for her first child. If you want to bash anyone, bash yourselves over the head with a copy of How to Be a Hepburn in a Hilton World. All of you need to have some class and stop talking trash.
BUT she posted on THEIR board. THEIRS. How damn dare she. By asking for advice she gave them permission to verbally punch her. My guess, most of these women have zero fun on their lives because they are too busy being proper. I'm sure they would all love second and third showers and to be celebrated for a happy occasion but with the stick up their asss they can't do anything but *** about people who post on their board.
Sooo, what crawled up your stanky butt and died? Obviously you are such a charmer!
I read her post and just wondering what she could possibly need. Afterall her first child is only 3 and if she is eco-friendly why would she not use the same that she used with that child? I cloth diapered my first (or tried) and the second and third (using the same diapers) but unfortunately none of my kids could tolerate cloth diapers. Rashes were major until I'd switch to disposables. As far as other clothing, bedding, ect. she should already have that from her first child.
If she doesn't want gifts then decline a shower...just have a get together or even after baby is born have a "Meet the Baby Party". I actually didn't see any of the posters "talking trash" or being rude to the OP. It just looked like they were just giving their opinions and trying to understand why she was having another shower. I kind of wonder why her shower was being held ON her due date. Who's idea was that? Poor planning by the hostess I guess.
Oh...by the way MissMeag...I have plenty of fun in my life (some of it at your expense). I also would NOT love (nor did I have) a shower for my 2nd or 3rd child. My family would have come but probably talked about me behind my back because they consider showers are for first times moms only. Besides I still had all the things I had gotten for my first child. Guess I was being eco-friendly by RE-using things. Imagine that! I still celebrated the happy occasion of their births without having a shower. Another novel idea I guess.
If the OP gets gifts she doesn't want just return them to WalMart where she thinks everyone shops. They DO take back diapers if they are unopened.
All of you need to stop and go pick up your etiquette books and read what real etiquette is. It is being understanding. She wasn't able to attend the shower for her first child because she had an emergency csection. Even I caught onto the fact she was having a shower for her second child only because she was unable to attend the one for her first child. If you want to bash anyone, bash yourselves over the head with a copy of How to Be a Hepburn in a Hilton World. All of you need to have some class and stop talking trash.
BUT she posted on THEIR board. THEIRS. How damn dare she. By asking for advice she gave them permission to verbally punch her. My guess, most of these women have zero fun on their lives because they are too busy being proper. I'm sure they would all love second and third showers and to be celebrated for a happy occasion but with the stick up their asss they can't do anything but *** about people who post on their board.
Miss meag, nobody here even believes you're pregnant. Get a life.
Re: eco-friendly mama
All of you need to stop and go pick up your etiquette books and read what real etiquette is. It is being understanding. She wasn't able to attend the shower for her first child because she had an emergency c-section. Even I caught onto the fact she was having a shower for her second child only because she was unable to attend the one for her first child.
If you want to bash anyone, bash yourselves over the head with a copy of How to Be a Hepburn in a Hilton World. All of you need to have some class and stop talking trash.
BUT she posted on THEIR board. THEIRS. How damn dare she. By asking for advice she gave them permission to verbally punch her. My guess, most of these women have zero fun on their lives because they are too busy being proper. I'm sure they would all love second and third showers and to be celebrated for a happy occasion but with the stick up their asss they can't do anything but *** about people who post on their board.
she said that she didn't attend that shower but that she still received all the gifts and her family didn't pay attention to her registry so she was trying to avoid that from happening again with her second shower. The point is, she has a child under three years old so why does she need all new stuff and another shower for the second child, especially since she is trying to be ecofriendly. I didn't think my response to her was so nasty. This is what she said about baby shower 1:
I have already tried hinting at it by talking about my likes and dislikes and I even made a gift registry with DD#1 at a more preferred store and told everyone. They didn't take the hint obviously.
Sooo, what crawled up your stanky butt and died? Obviously you are such a charmer!
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
I read her post and just wondering what she could possibly need. Afterall her first child is only 3 and if she is eco-friendly why would she not use the same that she used with that child? I cloth diapered my first (or tried) and the second and third (using the same diapers) but unfortunately none of my kids could tolerate cloth diapers. Rashes were major until I'd switch to disposables. As far as other clothing, bedding, ect. she should already have that from her first child.
If she doesn't want gifts then decline a shower...just have a get together or even after baby is born have a "Meet the Baby Party". I actually didn't see any of the posters "talking trash" or being rude to the OP. It just looked like they were just giving their opinions and trying to understand why she was having another shower. I kind of wonder why her shower was being held ON her due date. Who's idea was that? Poor planning by the hostess I guess.
Oh...by the way MissMeag...I have plenty of fun in my life (some of it at your expense). I also would NOT love (nor did I have) a shower for my 2nd or 3rd child. My family would have come but probably talked about me behind my back because they consider showers are for first times moms only. Besides I still had all the things I had gotten for my first child. Guess I was being eco-friendly by RE-using things. Imagine that! I still celebrated the happy occasion of their births without having a shower. Another novel idea I guess.
If the OP gets gifts she doesn't want just return them to WalMart where she thinks everyone shops. They DO take back diapers if they are unopened.
Miss meag, nobody here even believes you're pregnant. Get a life.