
What the F@#%!

So DD1 is crying when she gets off the bus today, and the first thing she tells me is that a little boy in her class punched her in the gut twice.  Pretty hard, I'd wager, since she's still sore.

I don't even know how to handle my feelings right now.  The kid got a referral and was sent to the office, but I'm still really ragey.


// I love you too. //

Re: What the F@#%!

  • Whoa!  I'm so sorry!  Did it happen on the bus?  That's terrible!
    Mom to two beautiful girls and forever labor buddy to the fab lady MandaPanda518!
  • ummm no!

    have you talked to the principl or gotten anymore details?

    ugh im so sorry this happend :(


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  • imageHilarityEnsued:

    Um...what the actual fluck. 

    Did you get any more details?  What the frakk kind of boy punches a little girl?  I mean... clearly no one should be punching anyone, but I feel like I'd threaten to remove my kid's arms if he hit a girl.

    Ditto. We have 3 rules with hitting.  1) Never hit a girl 2) You have to ask to punch someone 3) Expect to be punched back. (obviously we're not gonna punch him back. But someday someone will I'm sure)  

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Are you getting a meeting with the principal? Because I'd want to know more details on how they plan to handle the situation.  I'd be out of control ragey.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • imageandyyougoonie:
    Whoa!  I'm so sorry!  Did it happen on the bus?  That's terrible!

    No, it happened in class, toward the end of the day.


    Um...what the actual fluck. 

    Did you get any more details?  What the frakk kind of boy punches a little girl?  I mean... clearly no one should be punching anyone, but I feel like I'd threaten to remove my kid's arms if he hit a girl.

    From what I can gather from DD1, the kid told her to be quiet and she told him he was not the boss of her.  He then proceeded to punch her in the stomach, twice.

    Not sure of the rest, as she's pretty focused on the event itself and not so much anything that happened around it.  I was thinking of sending her to school with a note tomorrow to ask the teacher more details.  I don't think there's any need for a parent-teacher sit down or anything since these kinds of things do happen, I guess (though it never happened to me in all my years of school), but I'd at least like to know more.


    // I love you too. //

  • I'd call the principal and make it known that you are aware of the situation. I know they can't discuss another child's punishment, but it's good to have a presence when these things happen. I am sorry she was hurt:( 
  • I'm sorry this happened. It sounds like the school is taking care of it, but it wouldn't hurt for you to contact them, and have a sit down meeting with the parents of that littleboy.


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  • A call to the principal sounds like a decent idea, actually.  Ugh, so many rage feels.

    Sorry, forgot to quote, but to the PP who asked about previous bullying - no, I'm not aware of any bullying from this kid before today.  She does talk about this and two other classmates having trouble on the day-to-day but until today I hadn't heard of any physical violence.

    // I love you too. //

  • I think I would have to punch the parents. I know that's not the rational thing to do, but that would be my instinct, since I can't hit the kid. Sorry this happened.
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  • imageHilarityEnsued:

    Um...what the actual fluck. 

    Did you get any more details?  What the frakk kind of boy punches a little girl?  I mean... clearly no one should be punching anyone, but I feel like I'd threaten to remove my kid's arms if he hit a girl.

    Ditto. We have 3 rules with hitting.  1) Never hit a girl 2) You have to ask to punch someone 3) Expect to be punched back. (obviously we're not gonna punch him back. But someday someone will I'm sure)  

    I can see these rules being instituted in my house as well.  

    My good friend grew up with these rules and he said it only took a couple times being punch back before he realized its really not worth it. 

    I'm pretty sure I would tape my kids arms down if I found out he punched a girl, and I would hope that the little girl would slug him back. All he'd get when he got home was a "Dammit you deserved it, I raised you better"  

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Did this happen at school?  Or on the bus? 

    If it happened at school, I would be pissssed that I wasn't informed earlier. 

    I'm sorry your DD is going through this.  I remember being bullied/picked on/hit in elementary school and it something that I dread ever happening to my kids.  Give her lots of snuggles and definitely be in contact with the school. 

    Why are some kids so mean?!


    First we had eachother.5.27.11
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    Now we have everything.


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  • imagefredalina:
    Please explain the rule "You have to ask to punch someone". It seems odd to me, but I may be missing something.

    We tell Buddy "If you are going to punch someone, you have to ask. If they say sure you can, if they say no, then no"


    People doubted at 3 he'd "get it" but its worked really well. Now if he wants to punch something he comes and asks and I always tell him " you can't hit mommy cause I'm a girl" But like he'll go up and ask daddy and depending on daddy's mood. He'll say yes or no. 

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • this would be what I wanted to say:


    This is what I'd want to do to the kid:


    and this is how I'd feel:



  • What a douchey little boy to punch a little girl. Hopefully his parents are actually handling it so it doesn't happen again.
  • Yeah, the whole situation is kinda f'ucked.  I decided we'd cheat on our real food meal plan by eating the crap I'd been saving for my birthday.  I'm treating DD1 to some baked S'mores, and I'm going to partake too because it's well-known that S'mores help with rage.

    // I love you too. //

  • Wait, you weren't contacted about it from the school?  I'd be pretty hot about that.  I am glad the child got into some kind of trouble, but still, they should have called you. 

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageNativeFloridian:
    Yeah, the whole situation is kinda f'ucked.  I decided we'd cheat on our real food meal plan by eating the crap I'd been saving for my birthday.  I'm treating DD1 to some baked S'mores, and I'm going to partake too because it's well-known that S'mores help with rage.


    Chocolate and marshmallows are ALWAYS the answer to a rough day.

  • imageBunkinMama:
    Yea I would call the principal or email the teacher. My 5yo has had some issues with bullies. She has been shoved a couple of times, to the point of skinned knees and hand. We have had meetings with her teacher. We also stay in contact through email. She is very good at responding to my messages. ETA. What are baked s'mores? They sound yummy. Definitely a way to make a kid feel better.

    Well, my cell phone has been lost for over a week (thank DD2 for that) so they may have tried to.  I mean, they have the house number and didn't call so who knows, but I'll find out more tomorrow.

    Baked S'mores consist of a layer of graham crackers, a layer of flattened chocolate chip cookie dough, a layer of Hershey's chocolates (I just break up full-sized Hershey bars) and a layer of marshmallows.  You layer up the crackers, dough, and chocolates first and bake at 350F for 8 minutes.  Then you spread marshmallows over the top and bake at the same temp for however long it takes for the marshmallows to become slightly browned.

    So good.

    // I love you too. //

  • How terrible! Your poor DD :(
    m/c 2013
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