TTC after 35

TTC35 Check in

We have a lot of new ladies and it is hard keeping up with everyone.  So I thought we might have a check- in.  Someone use to do this, but I haven't seen one posted in a while.

1.  How long have you been TTC?

2. What part of your cycle are you in? TWW, Waiting to O?

3.  Are you going through treatments?   IVF, IUI, Meds , Natural ?

4. Do you post or lurk on other boards?

GTKY:  What do you do for work?  Do you like what you do?

***siggy/ticker warning***

Me:36 DH:38 TTC#1 since 4/2012
Me DX: Hashimotos,Hypothyroid, DOR, MTHFR,  DH: normal

 IUI #1-#4 BFNs and a few cancelled cycles in the mix.
- poor responder
***Suprise BFP on 6/13/13. Natural MC @6wks 3days
IVF#1 and 2- Cancelled due to no response on max stimms
FET 5/20- BFP
1st Beta- 641
2nd beta- 2166
Sono- TWINS!!!!
Two Boys! Born January 2015 @36 weeks.  Healthy and no NICU!  So blessed!


Re: TTC35 Check in

  • Hi, I have been TTC since my lost twin pregnancy in July, 2011.  My husband and I had just gotten married the end of June, so it was a tough way to start a marriage.  I have lost two additional pregnancies since that time.  I also had a natural miscarriage at age 19. 

    I am currently on day two of my menstrual cycle.  No treatments yet but I have an appointment to see an RE in March.  I have just started charting, trying to get the hang of it. 

    I used to be a nanny but I am currently unemployed.  Not sure I can go back to that with everything I've been through.  Really struggling right now with what I'm supposed to do now.  I was a nanny for over 20 years and that was my career, I don't have a college degree.  My husband wants me to be working, so it's an added stress in our life right now.  All I can think about is wanting to be a mother.

    My husband and I share a passion for sailing, and that has helped both of us get through this.  We have a Catalina 22 which I'm working on to get it back in the water.  Right now that is my only distraction to keep myself sane.  :)

    Me:41, DH:41 Positive for MTHFR mutations- one copy C677T, one copy A1298C. One daughter born on Thanksgiving in 2013. Six losses.
  • 1.  How long have you been TTC? Since April 2012

    2. What part of your cycle are you in? TWW, Waiting to O? 2WW, we had to convert our IUI to TI due to early O.  Did a trigger shot, still in my system.

    3.  Are you going through treatments?   IVF, IUI, Meds , Natural ? IUI's,  this past cycle I did 225 Gonal F injects, Ovidrel, and I start progesterone supps tonight.

    4. Do you post or lurk on other boards? I post on TTTC, and I started lurking on Infertility board to learn more about IVF in case we head down that road soon...

    GTKY:  What do you do for work?  Do you like what you do? I am a buyer for a chain of stores.  It is great because my hours are flexible and I get to see great products and meet very interesting creative people. 
    ***siggy/ticker warning***

    Me:36 DH:38 TTC#1 since 4/2012
    Me DX: Hashimotos,Hypothyroid, DOR, MTHFR,  DH: normal

     IUI #1-#4 BFNs and a few cancelled cycles in the mix.
    - poor responder
    ***Suprise BFP on 6/13/13. Natural MC @6wks 3days
    IVF#1 and 2- Cancelled due to no response on max stimms
    FET 5/20- BFP
    1st Beta- 641
    2nd beta- 2166
    Sono- TWINS!!!!
    Two Boys! Born January 2015 @36 weeks.  Healthy and no NICU!  So blessed!


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  • Oh, I forgot to mention that I tested positive for the MTHFR mutation.  One copy C677T and one copy A1298C.  I tried to add all this to my signature but for some reason it isn't posting it.  I also can't figure out how to post my chart from Fertility Friend.
    Me:41, DH:41 Positive for MTHFR mutations- one copy C677T, one copy A1298C. One daughter born on Thanksgiving in 2013. Six losses.
  • 1.  How long have you been TTC? 6 months

    2. What part of your cycle are you in? TWW, Waiting to O? Waiting to o, CD 9

    3.  Are you going through treatments?   IVF, IUI, Meds , Natural ? Currently nothing, but we have our 1st RE appointment in early March, as recommended by my gynecologist. Have started acupuncture this month as well.

    4. Do you post or lurk on other boards? I post in the waiting to O/2WW threads on TTGP and occasionally a few other posts but as a whole, the board is not really my kinda place. I lurk on 1st tri and pg >35 a bit, just to see the "other side." ;)

    GTKY:  What do you do for work?  Do you like what you do? I'm an ICU RN. I just quit full-time night shift to go per diem...and I haven't worked in 10 days! I've never been so consistently caught up on household chores, I've cooked dinner most nights, I've exercised a whole lot, and I'm getting all kinds of stuff done- kinda loving it! I do like my job but night shift was killing me by inches, and I was always tired and crabby, which my husband didn't like so much. ;) We decided less income was ok, esp. if regulating my schedule might possibly help me get KU!
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  • Hi all -

    1. How long have you been TTC? I've been not preventing since April 2012, and trying since July/August 2012

    2. What part of your cycle are you in? I'm in the 2ww

    3. Are you going through treatments? IVF, IUI, Meds , Natural ? I was supposed to have my first IUI earlier this month, but at an utrasound CD8, they found a few large (over 7 cm) cysts in my ovaries.  They are now watching them and if they don't get smaller on their own, they will be surgically removed next cycle - so I'm out for 2 cycles I guess (unless something magically happens on its own)

    4. Do you post or lurk on other boards?   I have posted a bit on the New Jersey board, and have lurked here and on the PG after 35 a bit (I guess looking for success stories)

    GTKY: What do you do for work? Do you like what you do?  I am a Controller/HR Manager.  I like what I do mostly, although it's long hours and a lot of stress which my husband is convinced is why we're not conceiving. I have a great boss though, and a lot of flexibility at my job. 

  • 1.  How long have you been TTC?
    ** About 2.5 years. Since October 2010.

    2. What part of your cycle are you in? TWW, Waiting to O?
    ** Waiting to O. 

    3.  Are you going through treatments?   IVF, IUI, Meds , Natural?
    ** I'm doing my first medicated cycle: Clomid & Ovidrel. Waiting for call about when to give myself the shot and am nervous. 

    4. Do you post or lurk on other boards? 
    ** Lurk; occasionally posting on TTGP or TTTC. 

    GTKY:  What do you do for work?  Do you like what you do?
    ** Web dev. Like it. 

    AMA & SAIF. TTC #1 since Oct. 2010. DX: Unexplained. BFP on break after 32 months trying and 2 med cycles. Baby girl born at 40w0d!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Tickerimage


  • 1. How long have you been TTC?  Since August 2012 - we were married in August, and I have an 18 year old daughter from a previous marriage

    2. What part of your cycle are you in? TWW, Waiting to O?  Not really sure, as I'm just over a month past an ectopic pregnancy and surgery to remove it and my right tube.  I think I O'd a couple of weeks ago, at least FF says so, but my chart is looking pretty wonky right now!

    3. Are you going through treatments? IVF, IUI, Meds , Natural ?  No treatments.  I'm not sure where I stand on the whole 'if 35 or older see a doctor after TTC for 6 months', because technically I've been trying for six months now, but I did have a pregnancy in I'm just not sure what next steps will be.  I do have a follow-up appointment in two weeks with the gyn who did my surgery, so I'll see what he says.

    4. Do you post or lurk on other boards?  Yes, TTGP, TTCAL, and Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss. 

    GTKY: What do you do for work? Do you like what you do?   I'm an online elementary teacher for kids who homeschool in Grades 4-7, and I love it!  I love computers, technology, and such, and kids of course, plus I really enjoy getting to do online classes that I enjoy. Because kids attend online classes voluntarily, I don't have to worry about some kids/parents not being allowed to do certain books, so I've happily done novel studies for Harry Potter, The Hobbit, and such for many years and I have an avid following of students who never miss a class and make each week so much fun. :)



    Married August 2012. Me: 41  DH: 42 
    Daughter from previous marriage: 20

    BFP 12/19/12: Ectopic discovered at 8 weeks, right tube removed 01/18/13
    June 2013 Testing Results: Progesterone: 31.7, LH: 5, FSH: 5, Estradiol: 161
    Clomid cycles Nov. 2013 and Jan, Feb, and March 2014

    TTC journey over as of the end of October 2014


    All ALers welcome!

  • imageksgsmu:

    We have a lot of new ladies and it is hard keeping up with everyone.  So I thought we might have a check- in.  Someone use to do this, but I haven't seen one posted in a while.

    1.  How long have you been TTC?  

     Well, since February or March of 2012, we were on a "whatever happens, happens" kick.  I experienced a chemical pregnancy in late June/early July.  As of February 12, 2013, hubby is ready to actually try!  No more "whatever happens, happens" - he's all in (finally)!

    2. What part of your cycle are you in? TWW, Waiting to O?

    well, I don't know what TWW (and many of the abbreviations) mean(s).  I'll just say my period ended yesterday. 

    3.  Are you going through treatments?   IVF, IUI, Meds , Natural ?

    No treatments.  But hubby and I purchased a fertility monitor for my birthday, which is today, hoping for fast conception. 

    4. Do you post or lurk on other boards?

    Last year, I posted some on Loss, but haven't really been on here in months. 

    GTKY:  What do you do for work?  Do you like what you do?

     I work at and I do like it.  Getting ready to hopefully take my nursing boards soon.  I have my Bachelor's Degree in Nursing. 

  • 1.  How long have you been TTC?  Since June 2012

    2. What part of your cycle are you in? TWW, Waiting to O? Waiting to "O"

    3.  Are you going through treatments?   IVF, IUI, Meds , Natural ? Natural still.  We have a 2nd appt with RE on Feb 26 & find out what he says about DH sa & bloodwork we had done.

    4. Do you post or lurk on other boards?  Yes, I check out Preg>35 & TTC

    GTKY:  What do you do for work?  Do you like what you do? I am a Production Assistant/Admin Assist. for a company that deals with fires/floods/sewage losses, etc.  No, I don't care for my job - like a lot of the ppl though.  They make money off other peoples misery.  I guess someone has to do it, but I have too big of a heart & always feel bad for the client.  I am keeping my eyes out for something new.

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • We have a lot of new ladies and it is hard keeping up with everyone.  So I thought we might have a check- in.  Someone use to do this, but I haven't seen one posted in a while.

    1.  How long have you been TTC?  We just started in earnest this month. I had waffled about waiting longer, to lose more weight (still carrying podge from the little guy who was born last March), but decided that I can become healthier and TTC concurrently (the ticking clock also influenced my decision to jump back on the bandwagon).  

    2. What part of your cycle are you in? TWW, Waiting to O? I'm in the TWW (on CD 20). I just purchased a pack of Wondfo HPT tests (I also use their OPKs) to feed my POAS addiction. I do not temp yet (bad me, I know--I need to get disciplined), but based on OPKs, I'm think I'm about 8 DPO. I've got a girls' weekend coming up, and may POAS on Sunday morning for kicks, but realistically know that I should save the sticks until after my period is due (which is no fun, but far more practical)

    3.  Are you going through treatments?   IVF, IUI, Meds , Natural ? Right now, natural, with acupuncture and supplements, fertility yoga, etc..... If nothing is happening in a few months, we will explore other avenues.

    4. Do you post or lurk on other boards?  Yes. I'm a lurkaholic, I'm afraid. I skulk around the March/April 2012 Moms boards (my little guy was supposed to be an April baby, but came early), Parenting after 35, PG after 35, Babies 9 to 12 months, TTGP, Blended Families, Nurseries and Baby Gear, Two Under 2, and I got a kick out of the November 2013 board (most of whom have migrated to Chit Chat) even though I have no idea who the hell One Direction (or 1 Direction) is. I randomly post on other boards, but not a tremendous amount

    GTKY:  What do you do for work?  Do you like what you do?  I'm an editor for a book publishing company. Pre-little guy, I did a lot of community theater (acting), which was a lot of fun. I also love to write, and spend time with my friends (which is something that I don't get to do very often, as everyone's lives are so busy). Home renovation has been our main hobby as of late!


    ETA: Well, to delete all the bolding. Sorry about that! 

    Me: 42, DH: 40; Surprise BFP 4/27/2011; no heartbeat at 9w3d, we miss you, Baby Manatee; D&C 6/1/2011; AF returned 6/26/2011; Ready to try for our take-home baby. 7/24/2011--BFP! Peanut born March 2012; BFP: 7/31/2013!; blighted ovum at 7 weeks 8/26/2013. Holy Cannoli! BFP 2/23/2014. EDD 11/6/2014!  

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • I'm 36, FI is 41.  We have been TTC for 9 months. Getting married in May, thank goodness for this distraction!  I have DS11 and DD8 from previous marriage.  Both were conceived on first try with 3 miscarriages between.

    I'm currently waiting to O.  Most fertile days are coming right up. Looking forward to it but FI is sick with upper reps. infection :(

    So far no treatments.  I am currently without health insurance (until the wedding).

    I also lurk on the Blended families board.  I read the 2U2 board and multiples and commend these mothers!  I also secretly hope to join them but feel like I am getting ahead of myself.  I love this board for it's wisdom and maturity of the posters.  And of course for the support! 






    Trying to Conceive Ticker
  • GTKY: (almost forgot)  I am an activities co-ordinator on Mental Health Unit at my local hospital.  Previously did psych evals and miss it.  Love working with this population but no room for advancement.
    Trying to Conceive Ticker
  • 1.  How long have you been TTC?This is the first month actively TTC.

    2. What part of your cycle are you in? TWW, Waiting to O? TWW (about 9 days until I can test).

    3.  Are you going through treatments?   IVF, IUI, Meds , Natural ? No treatments at this time.

    4. Do you post or lurk on other boards? I post on TTGP, but there are so many posts over there I can't really keep up with it.

    GTKY:  What do you do for work?  Do you like what you do? I recently went back to school for Medical Transcription so I can work from home in the near future. So far I'm enjoying the work!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • 1.  How long have you been TTC? since October 2009, 3 1/2 years

    2. What part of your cycle are you in? TWW, Waiting to O?  We are CD5, starting second pack of BCP in am.

    3.  Are you going through treatments?   IVF, IUI, Meds , Natural ?  We are doing a DE IVF cycle in late March and early April.

    4. Do you post or lurk on other boards? Post on Third Party Repro, lurk many places (mostly where other have gone after leaving this board) to include-IF, IF Vets, Multiples, PG after 35 and Parenting after 35

    GTKY:  What do you do for work?  Do you like what you do? I'm a Hospice Nurse.  I usually do like what I do, but that varies by the day and the stress level on my unit.  The mix of family/patients present really effects my job.

    TTC since 10/09 Me-43 DH-44 RE and testing 10/10-11/10, Recommending IVF 1/11 New RE AMA and DOR-DH low motility IVF #1.1 cancelled 3/11 due to poor response IVF #1.2 May 2011, one perfect 8-cell embryo, 3dt-BFN, IVF #2.1 Converted to IUI d/t poor response. New RE 9/2011. IVF 2.2 completed using HGH,EPP,DHEA, Q-10 and accupuncture. Transferred one 8-cell, grade one embryo on 10/19. BFP 10/31/11 Chemical pregancy on 11/2/11. Started stims for IVF #3, our final try, on 12-2-11. ET on 12/18. Transferred 3 Grade A embryos-BFFN Planning DE IVF, late March/early April- Donors ER expected to be 4/2-4/4. PAIF/SAIF welcome
  • imageksgsmu:

    1.  How long have you been TTC?

    We will be starting to ttc in the next month. 

    2. What part of your cycle are you in? TWW, Waiting to O?

     Starting AF. 

    3.  Are you going through treatments?   IVF, IUI, Meds , Natural ?

    No.  No treatments.  If we do not get pregnant naturally we plan on just being one and done.   

    4. Do you post or lurk on other boards?

    Yes.  Dec 2010.  Occasionally Parenting and Parenting after 35, Natural Birth and baby names.  I've become a board whore. 

    GTKY:  What do you do for work?  Do you like what you do?

    I'm a birth doula.  Yes, I love it.  Unfortunately my health has been too poor to work recently but I'm hoping to start up again. 

    Lilypie - (vGZN)

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    BFP2: 10/27/13(edd 7/10/14) "Speck" ~ M/C 12/5/13
  • Hi!

    1. How long have you been TTC?    This is our first month TTC number 3.

    2. What part of your cycle are you in? 6DPO (I think - didn't temp this month, relying on OPK)

    3. Are you going through treatments? No treatments at this point. DH is of the opinion that if #3 isn't conceived without intervention, then our family is complete.

    4. Do you post or lurk on other boards? Occasionally. I have BFed for 3+ years total, so I have a bit of knowledge in that arena. I sometimes check out the tri boards.

    GTKY: What do you do for work? Do you like what you do? I'm a SAHM since my second was a newborn. I'm a scientist in my former life and I still work part time as a research assistant from home.

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • 1.  How long have you been TTC?

    2 1/2 years


    2. What part of your cycle are you in? TWW, Waiting to O?

    Failed IVF #1, waiting for AF


    3.  Are you going through treatments?   IVF, IUI, Meds , Natural ?

    IVF #2 March/April


    4. Do you post or lurk on other boards? not too much...PG after 35 for inspiration


    GTKY:  What do you do for work?  Media

    Do you like what you do? Spas, great food, travel, spending time with my wonderful husband!


  • 1.  How long have you been TTC? 6 months2. What part of your cycle are you in? TWW, Waiting to O? 2ww
    3.  Are you going through treatments?   IVF, IUI, Meds , Natural ? Natural, for now4. Do you post or lurk on other boards?  TTGP & toddlers 24+ 
    GTKY:  What do you do for work?  Do you like what you do? Im in the financial field. I guess most days I like what I do. 
  • 1. 2 years with an RE...6 months or so before that on own.

    2. On the waiting list for DE..hopefully cycling this summer.

    3. DE

    4. PG after 35...Parenting after 35...IF..Multiples. If I'm waiting for the girl I watch in the car then I always find myself lurking elsewhere too. Don't laugh but I have a journel that I keep info in that I find from other boards.Ladies on the shower board are a hoot.

    5. I have been a nanny with the same family for going on 19 years soon. Boy is in first yr at college and the girl is 16. Guess I'm more of the house manager than nanny

    It's ok. Hours are very long. Like I said I'm not really a nanny but it's nice that the girl is in school all day so it makes my appts for RE easier. Once she heads off to college I will have to look for another nanny job even though the mom said I can't leave.

    ME:46 MH:44 DE IVF 2014
    Met with RE 4/11. 2 IUI's BFN. DE best option. Switched clinics to do "shared" program. Had to retake all tests and a mamm that put me behind and then on a DE waiting list for 12 months. Picked a donor!! (10/13/13) Got matched. Estimated transfer in December. After 2.5 years of patiently waiting I will finally cycle....can hardly believe it. DE cycle got cancelled. One of her tests came back positive.  Waiting for another donor. Donor picked!! (1/18/14)

    DE IVF #1 (4/26) BFN  DE FET #1 (6/4) BFP! Beta 1=339 Beta 2=852 Beta 3=9957 EDD 2/22/15!!



         image   imageimage

  • 1.  How long have you been TTC?  This is our 7th month

    2. What part of your cycle are you in? TWW, Waiting to O?  I believe I ovulated today, but waiting for temp shift to confirm.

    3.  Are you going through treatments?   IVF, IUI, Meds , Natural ?  Natural at the moment, we have our first RE appointment on March 1st.

    4. Do you post or lurk on other boards? I post and lurk on TTGP.  Sometimes I lurk on other boards as well.

    GTKY:  What do you do for work?  Do you like what you do?  IT Project Manager -  It pays the bills.  I love to travel, wish I could do it more.
    Me 35, H 34 TTC#1 since August 2012.
    Picture 003

    My Ovulation Chart
  • 1.  How long have you been TTC? Actively trying since Jan. 2012, but not using any birth control since March 2010.

    2. What part of your cycle are you in? TWW, Waiting to O? O'ing currently.

    3.  Are you going through treatments?   IVF, IUI, Meds , Natural ?  None of the above.  My husband just got diagnosed with Crohn's disease and has been very sick so it will be months before we can even start trying again.  The plan is once he is over this flare then he needs to get another SA.  If count doesn't improve then we move on to IVF with ICSI.

    4. Do you post or lurk on other boards? I have to admit that I am a serial lurker.  I can usually be found lurking on TTTC, IF, pregnant >35, and adoption. 

    GTKY:  What do you do for work?  Do you like what you do? I am an RN in a recovery room at a local hospital.  I love my job and I am currently furthering my education to become a family nurse practitioner. 
    Photobucket Me:36 DH: 34 TTC since 02/2012, not preventing since 2010. Me: testing came back good. DH: dx: MIF low count/motility. RE recommends IVF with ICSI. Update: DH just diagnosed with severe Crohn's disease, so any IF treatment is on hold :(
  • 1.How long have you been TTC? We are in the 7th cycle of TTC.

    2. What part of your cycle are you in? TWW, Waiting to O? Waiting to O although I don't think it's going to happen this cycle since I'm on day 20 of this cycle.

    3. Are you going through treatments? IVF, IUI, Meds , Natural ?Natural at this time. I have a gyne appointment i in March.

    4.Do you post or lurk on other boards?
    BOTB, Preschool, TTGP, Working Mom, Parenting over 35.

    5. What do you do for work? Do you like what you do? I'm a metal health therapist. I love what I do!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 1. How long have you been TTC? Started 20mos ago buy just not preventing, started in Aug 2012 using OPK's

    2. What part of your cycle are you in? TWW, Waiting to O? Waiting to O

    3. Are you going through treatments? IVF, IUI, Meds , Natural ? I just had an HSG today both tubes are open YAY one less worry, husband need to get an SE done and then we will see what the OB says next.

    4. Do you post or lurk on other boards?  Post on the June 2011 and i have replied and made a post on the blended family board. and AP board.

    GTKY: What do you do for work? I don't work atm but have been thinking on going back to school.  Do you like what you do? Games, TV, baking/cooking

    Baby Birthday Ticker Tickerimage


  • 1.  How long have you been TTC?

    2 years; 1st year was unofficial; second year "official"


    2. What part of your cycle are you in? TWW, Waiting to O?


    3.  Are you going through treatments?   IVF, IUI, Meds , Natural ?

    Well, right now I am in the testing phase in order determine what is not working right (blood work, ultrasound etc...)


     4. Do you post or lurk on other boards?


    GTKY:  What do you do for work?  Do you like what you do?

    I am not working at the moment.  I was one of the zillion people displaced from an employer!  I did not like my job so I am ok with no longer being there.

  • TTC since October 2012, no treatments yet, but it'll be 6 months trying right after our wedding, so as soon as I'm on his insurance (mine sucks!) we can more actively pursue things. I have 3 kids from a previous marriage who are now 20, 17 and 15. It sure is harder this time around! 

    I post some on Baby Names and a wee bit on Blended Families, lurk on Baby Showers and First Tri, sometimes others if I'm super bored.


    I'm an artist, I like it well enough. Mostly love that I set my own hours and can work from home. 

    image  image

  • 1. How long have you been TTC? 4 years

    2. What part of your cycle are you in? TWW, Waiting to O? TWW

    3. Are you going through treatments? IVF, IUI, Meds , Natural ? Will be starting IVF if, AF shows up...

    4. Do you post or lurk on other boards? I lurk on IF, TTTC, Preg over 35, once in a while....

    GTKY: What do you do for work? Do you like what you do?  I am an archeologist.  Yes,, love it!  Very interesting and challenging field.  I am on a sabbatical, right now to focus on getting prego, but will be doing some consulting in the future couple of years.

    Lilypie Trying to Conceive 15 to 80 day cycle tickers
  • 1. We have been TTC since Nov ember when GYN told us to get on the ball and not wait (we just got married in Auguest, and were planning on waiting for a year).


    2. Currently, I am waiting to O. I may have O'ed last month (broken red line on FF), but didn't O the month before.

    3. We are just starting this journey, so are doing Clomid now. I think my GYN wants me to fail Clomid so I can go straight to IUI, then IVF IVF (what we have to do for insurance purposes).

    4. Once in a blue moon I read other boards- especially the blended families one since I have 2 stepchildren (ages 7 and 9).

    I work in clinical research for a large pharma company and I love what I do. I am currently working in oncology which can be very stressful and difficult at times, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.  


  • 1.  How long have you been TTC? Seriously since January 2009

    2. What part of your cycle are you in? TWW, Waiting to O? Well, just kind of chilling out.  We were set to do a transfer in March of our 2 frozen blasts, but life is getting in the way.  Too much job stress, we are pushing transfer to May/June this year

    3.  Are you going through treatments?   IVF, IUI, Meds , Natural ? At the moment, NO, and it is fantastic. But yes, I've done countless IUI's and 4 IVF cycles..

    4. Do you post or lurk on other boards? I was active on the IF board for IVF1 and 2 and I quickly realized I was always the BFN. I check out the local boards every now and then and I check out the IF Veterans boards..but this is home, where I feel most comfortable and accepted.

    GTKY:  What do you do for work? I'm a software developer / implementer for Hospitals and blood donation centers.   Do you like what you do? Yes and No.  I started out in transfusion medicine and then the F.DA roped me into desiging software to track transfusion of blood products and that expanded into entire hospital systems and blood donation centers.  I love that I help make the blood supply safe, and I make a difference in someones life.  I don't like the endless hours, large amounts of stress, and I do miss the patient interaction.

    Nice to meet such a lovely group of ladies :)


    Me = 39 DH = 50 TTC (since 01/2009 after a short break, I stopped counting *cycles* in 2010)
    DX 2010 : Unknown Infertility , AMA
    HSG 2005 = Normal / HSG 2010 = Normal
    SA 2005 = Normal / SA 2010 /2012 = Slightly low count : motility, morphology GREAT!
    Chromosomal analysis, MTHFR, ANA's, Lupus, Protein C, Protein S, APCR = Normal 2011

    M/C : 2005 (7wk), 2010 (6wk), 2011 (7wk)

    8 IUI's 2010-2011 all BFN

    IVF/ICSI antagonist 01/2012 #1 = BFN

    IVF/ICSI antagonist long 06/2012 #2 = BFN

    IVF/ICSI/CGH MDLF New Clinic/New RE 11/2012 #3 = One beautiful boy blasty frozen PGS normal

    IVF/ICSI/CGH MDLF 02/2013 #4 = One more beautiful boy blasty frozen PGS normal

    FET 6/20 : One 5AA PGS normal transferred Beta 1 6/28 = 53.9 / Beta 2 7/1 = 220 / Beta 3 7/3 = 550!

    1 U/S  6w3d - Heartbeat 119 /  2 U/S - 7w5d- Heartbeat 169 / 3 U/S (OB) 8w5d - Heartbeat still great!

    Baby G welcomed into the world 3/7/2014

    SAIF / PAIF always welcome ****



  • imageksgsmu:

    1.  How long have you been TTC? Since July 2011

    2. What part of your cycle are you in? TWW, Waiting to O? currently on bcp till after surgery 3/15.

    3.  Are you going through treatments?   IVF, IUI, Meds , Natural ? 1 TI with clomid & ovidrel, 1 IUI w clomid & ovidrel, 1 cancelled IUI....going to injectibles IUI after surgery - last attempt. Health Ins does not cover any IVF.

    4. Do you post or lurk on other boards?

    I lurk on natural birth and pregnant >35.

    GTKY:  What do you do for work?  Do you like what you do?

    I am a massage therapist, I work with men & women who deal with chronic pain and alot with pregnany and postpartum women. I am adding fertility massage to my program based on my own experiences want to be a support to other women going through IF. I love my job, I am also really good at what I do. :) 

    My Ovulation Chart

    Me: 41 DH: 46. We are TTC our 1st, started July '11,
    3 cycles clomid with Ob,
    1 cycle Tamoxifen with Ob,
    Diagnosed PCOS 11/5/12
    clomid, trigger & timed bd 12/12 BFN
    1st clomid IUI 1/4/13 BFN.
    2nd clomid IUI 2/13 cancelled didn't respond to clomid.
    3/15/13 scheduled laparoscopy & on bcp.

    May 10 IUI from injectibles - BFN 

    May 22 done with interventions it will either happen or it won't. 

    February 2014 No longer actively trying, but not preventing. 

    SURPISE BFP 4/2/2015!!!!!!!!!!

    Miscarriage 4/23/15


  • 1. How long have you been TTC? Since May 2012

    2. What part of your cycle are you in? CD3

    3. Are you going through treatments? Just started first monitored cycled. RE sono on CD2, follies looked good. Blood work this morning and starting Clomid on Sat for 5 days.  Then another sono, uterus test and more bloodwork. Then trigger and TI. 

    4. Do you post or lurk on other boards? Yes, TroubleTTC and Entertainment (Downton Abby friends!)

    GTKY: What do you do for work? Do you like what you do? - I am an analyst at a large printing and shipping company. It is ok. I would rather do a little bit more, but I am working on that.

    Me:37 DH:40 Married 7/2009 TTC since 5/2012 
    BFP 4/2013, Our Christmas Miracle Due 12/18/2013
  • 1. How long have you been TTC?
    About 4 years.

    2. What part of your cycle are you in? TWW, Waiting to O?
    Waiting for AF to start IVF#3

    3. Are you going through treatments? IVF, IUI, Meds , Natural ?
    IVF #3

    4. Do you post or lurk on other boards?
    I post here and on IF, only lurk on others if I'm looking for specific info.

    GTKY: What do you do for work? Do you like what you do?
    I'm a manager of a bunch of crazy people! Some days I like it, some days it just adds to the stress. (I like my ducks in a row, and the ducks here never seem to want to cooperate!) ;) 

    My BLOG: -Update - old blog.

    PAIF/SAIF Welcome!
    Me: 42, Hubby: 35, TTC since Jan 2010. Dx: DOR due to advanced maternal age. Also: Hypothyroidism (100mcg Levothyroxin). Positive for MTHFR (hetero-C677T), Factor V Leiden, and Fragile X (on DH side). Taking pre-natal vitamins
    First natural PG 9/27/11; mc: 1/20/12

    First RE visit: 8/8/12, Saline Sonogram: 8/28/12, IVF injection class: 10/11/12, add FaBB Tab for FVL, +Vitamin D.
    IVF #1: 10/17/12 Baseline: FSH- 9.4, E2- 24, LH- 3.7, Prog- 0.3 The u/s showed 6 follicles in my right  & 9 in my left. Rx: 150 Bravelle & 150 Menopur SQ nightly. 10/21/12: Add Ganirelix SQ every morning.
    ER 10/28/12: 13 Retreived. 7 Mature. 6 Fertilized. 5 Made it to PGS. ET 11/2/12: CANCELED. All 5 came back from PGS as having "severe abnormalities."
    IVF #2: 1/7/13 Baseline: FSH- 8.8, 4 follicles in my right & 6 in my left. Rx: 150 Bravelle & 150 Menopur SQ nightly. 1/11/13: Add Ganirelix SQ every morning. hCG Trigger 1/16/13

    ER 1/18/13: 9 Retrieved. 5 Mature. 5 Fertilized. 2 Made it to PGS. ET 1/23/13: CANCELED. All embryos (he even sent the ones not growing) came back from PGS as having "multiple severe abnormalities."
    IVF #3:
    NEW RE! 3/1/13 Baseline: FSH- 9.6, E2- 61, Prog- 0.94, 3 follicles in my right & 4 in my left. Rx: 150 Bravelle& 150 Menopur SQ in PM. 3/7/13: Add Ganirelix SQ in AM. hCG Trigger 3/9/13 SQ.
    ER 3/11/13: 6R, 2M, 2F. Day 3: one 8 cell, grade 0.  Five day ET 3/16/13: one early blast, grade Fair. 3/24/13 AF came a day before beta. BFN

    IVF #4: 
    (Added acupuncture to this cycle.) 3/25/13 WTF & Baseline: FSH-11.8, E2- 56, Prog- 0.84 3/26/13 Start stims. 3/30/13 u/s: 5 follicles in my right & 4 in my left. Rx: 225 Bravelle& 225 Menopur SQ in PM. 3/31/13 Add Ganirelix SQ in AM.hCG Trigger 4/3/13 SQ.
    ER 4/5/13: 5R, 3M, 3F naturally. Day 3: two 8 cell, grade 0, one 8 cell, grade 2 (Scale 0-best to 3-worst). Five day ET 4/10/13: two blastocysts (the 3rd stopped growing.) Beta 4/18/13: 2.5 BFFN. RE recommends we stop trying and focus on living childless, due to the extremely poor quality of my eggs.
    ***Decided to stop trying and live CFNBC. I couldn't adjust. So, six months later...

    IVF #5: Changed RE. Going to one of the big name clinics now. OWDU: 10/29/13. Update: HORRIBLE experience. Disgusted and distraught at their complete unprofessionalism and how much money and precious time they cost us. Sickening. Have now changed RE again. New Patient appt. 1/30/14.
    BFP! Out of nowhere, I got KU the old fashioned way! POAS 1/26/14 - Positive! FDLM 12/30/13. Beta #1 16dpo= 373. Beta #2 18dpo= 801. EDD 10/6/14
    2/4/14 1st U/S revealed a 5wk2day sac but no fetal pole. Started 200mgs of progesterone suppositories daily
    2/11/14 2nd U/S revealed a perfect 6wk1day "diamond ring" embryo with a beating heart! 138bpm! Add 1mg folic acid and 40mg Lovenox
    2/25/14 3rd U/S: perfect 8w1d embryo, 178bpm. 3/6 start spotting. 3/11 10w1d U/S shows no heartbeat. Scheduling D&C. The Stork has forsaken me again.
    IVF #5.2: New in-state RE. Supplement priming for 1.5 cycles prior to start of cycle, including DHEA 50mg (stopped 5/15), CoQ10 200mg 2x/day, L-Arginine- 1000mg 2x/day (stopped 6/5 due to cold sore!), myo-inositol- 2g 2x/day, melatonin- 3mg, and Neevo (prenatal for MTHFR).
    5/16/14 Day 2 bw cycle prior: FSH- 12.22, E2- 38.37, Prog- 1.35, LH- 9.46. 6/2/14 Day 19 bw: Prog- 23
    6/12/14 Baseline: E2- 122.7, Prog- 0.4. 5 follicles in left, 4 follicles in right. Start stims: 375IU Follistim & 150IU Menopur. 6/19 Increase Follistim to 425IU, Menopur still 150IU. 6/18 add Ganirelix. 6/23 Ovidrel trigger SQ. 6/25 ER: 8R, 8M, 5F naturally. Start Medrol & Doxy. 6/26 Start Endometrin. 7/2 Start Lovenox.
    7/8/14 Beta= 137.4 BFP!!! (My first from IVF!) E2- 1109, Prog- >60. Stop CoQ10, myo-inositol, and melatonin. 7/9 2nd Beta= 281.4. TSH- 2.70. Increasing Synthroid to 100mcg daily. 7/24 6w3d u/s measured 6w3d, hb: 121bmp! 8/5 8w1d u/s measured 8w3d, hb: 164bpm! Graduated from RE to OB. Now I just need to find an OB!
    EDD 3/18/15!

  • imagechucktgirl:

    1. How long have you been TTC?
    About 4 years.

    2. What part of your cycle are you in? TWW, Waiting to O?
    Waiting for AF to start IVF#3

    3. Are you going through treatments? IVF, IUI, Meds , Natural ?
    IVF #3

    4. Do you post or lurk on other boards?
    I post here and on IF, only lurk on others if I'm looking for specific info.

    GTKY: What do you do for work? Do you like what you do?
    I'm a manager of a bunch of crazy people! Some days I like it, some days it just adds to the stress. (I like my ducks in a row, and the ducks here never seem to want to cooperate!) ;) 

    I just wanted to say sorry for all that happened and I'm really hoping this cycle is the one. Good luck to you :)

    ME:46 MH:44 DE IVF 2014
    Met with RE 4/11. 2 IUI's BFN. DE best option. Switched clinics to do "shared" program. Had to retake all tests and a mamm that put me behind and then on a DE waiting list for 12 months. Picked a donor!! (10/13/13) Got matched. Estimated transfer in December. After 2.5 years of patiently waiting I will finally cycle....can hardly believe it. DE cycle got cancelled. One of her tests came back positive.  Waiting for another donor. Donor picked!! (1/18/14)

    DE IVF #1 (4/26) BFN  DE FET #1 (6/4) BFP! Beta 1=339 Beta 2=852 Beta 3=9957 EDD 2/22/15!!



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