Morning ladies,
I found out on Monday that we are expecting some twinnies, yay! Prior to getting pregnant, I was doing the Insanity Program, but then switched to gym cardio machines when I got my BFP. For the past few weeks, I have been running about four miles five times per week, but eekingly slow (like 4.5 mph when I usually run 8:30 minute miles). Now I am worried that I shouldn't be doing it. I wear a heart rate monitor and immediately slow down if it goes up to 140 bpm and my doctor has said its okay, but I am still freaked out.
Anyone else run through their first trimester and everything be okay? I don't want to do anything detrimental, but I just miss the activity.
Have a great day everyone!
Re: Anyone else running?
I ran and lifted weights until about 24 weeks. I ran 5.5 mph...but i was very lucky and had no pregnancy complications. My only restriction was that i had to keep my HR under 120...thus the slowing down whenever i needed to. I would say listen to your doctor and listen to your body. I stopped running and lifting the day i got dizzy during a workout. FWIW i ended up having a very healthy pregnancy and delivered 2 healthy babies at 38 weeks, and i attritbute a big part of that to exercising moderately prior to and during pregnancy.
I also lost about 90 percent of the 50 lbs i gained within 3 weeks of delivering. I also think that was partly due to staying healthy early on.
I ran about 20+ miles a week until about 16 weeks. Then it just got hard and uncomfortable, so I was aiming for 3 3-4 mile runs a week. I had to stop at 21 weeks due to slight placenta previa, so I was on pelvic rest. I continued to walk until I was on bedrest.
Always listen to your doctor, but the 140 bpm thing is dated research that is now not applicable across the board. Everyone has a different "normal" when it comes to heart rate during exercise. So, just go by perceived exertion and pay really close attention to how you are feeling. Don't push it. I definitely knew when my body was saying it's time to stop.
Boy/girl twins born at 37w1d and 37w2d