Parenting after 35

So excited for the next stage

We are expecting our last kiddo and I really just can't wait for this LO to arrive and to finally be int he stage where everyone is just growing up together.  I won't be pregnant any more and as the youngest gets to the toddler ages we can start going to cooler places again. 

We live in central VA and have gone to Williamsburg and Virginia Beach over and over and over.  I can't wait 'till the kids are old enough that we can make a longer trip (and have it be worth it!) to further reaches of the country.  Also, we really want to go to central America again but don't want to do it with babies.  DH wants to go to Iceland; I'd like to go to several parts of Europe.  

I love my babies but I'm super happy and excited to be able to look just a little forward now and see that everyone with a ticket to the family is on board!

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Re: So excited for the next stage

  • Congratulations


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  • I totally get it. We've been on several road trips and made the journey once to Europe when DS1 was just under 2 - DH is British so it's kind of necessary. I love them being little but I'm also stoked for when they 'get it' more.
  • I can so relate, my girls are now just about 5 (in 3 weeks) and 6 1/2 and just in the last 6 months or so, I have started to enjoy traveling again and just being able to do day to day things are so much easier.  My girls can both go without a nap or down time and its make a huge difference.  Last weekend, we went to the zoo and then made a stop to see the ice castles and decided to go out for dinner and go back to see the ice castle at night and even a year ago, we could not have done that without some major meltdowns. 
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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