May 2012 Moms

Pointless Poll of the Day

seeing as I am starting to feel a little 'under the weather,' When you aren't feeling well, do you:

A. Tough it out,I'll live... 

B. We'll see how it goes, if it isn't better soon, Ill make an appointment

C. OMG, Im dying, I NEED to see my Doctor!!! 

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Re: Pointless Poll of the Day

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    B I'm not the type to go to the dr for most things but I know I get sinus infections so then I'll go or if I get stung by a bee I have to go but for colds, tummy bugs most things I don't go.

    I haven't seem my general dr since 2001.
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    A. unless there was some sign of something serious

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    I tend to be stubborn when I am sick and don't go to the doctor unless I have to. I have been lucky the past couple of years and I haven't really been sick. I don't think I have been to my family doctor since before I was pregnant. 

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    B.  but really depends on what I think may be wrong.  normal typical stuff, Ill push off as long as I can.
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    I'm sick for the second time in 2 months and I'm attempting to tough it out but I'm a huge baby. Before all of this I hadn't been sick in like 2 years.
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    A and C. I very rarely go to the doctor but I act like a big baby when I'm sick. I sleep a lot and basically don't get off of the couch. Luckily, DH is awesome and doesn't mind taking care of me.
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    I very rarely go to the doctor.  I actually couldn't believe how much I had to go when I was pregnant and now how much I have to bring DS.  It's a whole new thing for me, lol.
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    A. unless there was some sign of something serious

    This. And DH gets so mad at me when I don't go in for every ache and pain.

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    Definitely A.  I've seen my primary care doctor once in the past 5 years, and that was just for a general physical/checkup. 

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    I never see a doctor for a cold...there is nothing they can do anyway.

    I tough it out and only see a doc if it's turning into bronchitis or something.

    This!  I'm more of a B. 

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    A. I am notorious for never going to the doctor ever. DH gives me heck about it all the time. I literally have to be on my death bed before going to the hospital. It's not a fear but more of a general aversion. I've been to the hospital 3 times in the last 3 years and 1 was for my daughters birth and the others for losses. Other than that I'm sure I can count on 1 hand how many times I've gone to a doctor for anything not a check up.
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    B. if its a cold, tough it out, but as soon as my ear starts to hurt I'm running to the dr for meds. Ear infections hurt!

    I have been home sick the last 2 days on the couch and napping. Nothing a dr can do for a horrible cold. 

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    I seriously never go to the doctor. I did when I was pregnant and once this time, but before that... I was probably in high school. I went to the ER when having a loss before I was pregnant with Luca, but that's really it.
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