I was very fortunate that we were able to survive on DH's pay so I could be a SAHM for nearly two years. It was what I really wanted for DS, and I was willing to make the financial (and other) sacrifices. It worked out well also, because with the economy in the toilet, I was having a hard time finding work in my industry.
My new job is great, and DS is learning and thriving in daycare. This is exactly what I wanted for us both. DH and I will begin TTC for our next baby in the summer/fall, and will hopefully have another baby in Spring/ Summer 2014.
To think ahead to the birth of LO #2, as it relates to leave of absence vs. SAH again seemed crazy, until today. My boss dropped the bomb on me that she will be retiring at the end of the year, and I will be training for her position from now until then. I'm thrilled to have such an incredible opportunity; however, I'm unsure if what I want for LO #2 is to be cared for by someone other than me for the first year.
If I get P in say...August, then I'll be announcing it in November, about a month before my boss retires. How awkward! Maybe I'm over thinking this, but I feel like I'm caught between a rock and hard place. Surely I can't give up this fantastic opportunity for something that hasn't even happened yet, but I feel like I'm doing my small company a disservice to make them scramble to fill the position during my... leave? Sorry this is so long....
Re: Caught between a job and hard place ;)