May 2012 Moms

crusty ear build up/dry blood in nostril

Hey all! I have already called the on call doctor/nurse staff at our office, but I figured I would get some opinions while I wait....

 When I picked up Hunter from my parents house (they have a nanny there), the nanny was gone but my mom was watching him. I noticed that one of his nostrils had dry crusty blood inside of it. He has had a very runny nose, so I thought that during the day he got dried up and it bled a little bit. Then later I noticed that he had a ton of what I thought was wax build up in the ear on the same side of his head. This is not really unusual (the amount was, but he gets chunks about once a week of just regular wax). When I went to wipe it away, it was obvious that it was very crusty. It was also about 2-3 times his usual amount of wax. The eye on that side is also a little watery. He is not running a fever and is acting totally normal.

 Has anyone seen this? Should I be more concerned, or just wait for the on call service to call back? We have our appt Thurs for his 9 month well visit, so I KNOW that we will see her very soon....

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Re: crusty ear build up/dry blood in nostril

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    The one time my son had a lot of crusty wax (which I actually thought was dried blood, but pedi said it was wax), he had a nasty ear infection. However since your LO seems normal otherwise, I am guessing he doesn't have one. I'd wait to see what the doctor's service says. Good luck, I hope he's okay!
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    My boys sometimes get extra boogery ears, eyes, nose before they get sick.
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