Toddlers: 24 Months+

Transition to dropping naps?

Dd will still nap for an hour when we put her down for one
But then she isn't tired at bedtime and will go to sleep about an hour later then is SO hard to wake the next day if its my work day I can't be late!!
But without a nap she can barely make it til the end of the day and sleeps a solid 12 hours
Should we just drop the nap ? I'm just worried it'll be a really long tiring day at daycare without one....
Is this what the normal nap dropping transition is like??!

Re: Transition to dropping naps?

  • We're not at dropping naps yet, but maybe you could shorten it?  30-45 minutes?  Otherwise, it might just be better to drop it.  

    Other than that, I LOVE your DD's name!!  That's my name and it's rare to find too many others. 

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  • Yea I thought about that hmmm might give that a try today, she's only sleeping for an hour at daycare though and has crazy energy at night!!!
    Thanks we love her name :
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  • imagestgn01:

    We're not at dropping naps yet, but maybe you could shorten it?  30-45 minutes?  Otherwise, it might just be better to drop it.  

    Other than that, I LOVE your DD's name!!  That's my name and it's rare to find too many others. 

    My daughter's name is them name but changed the spelling so I could call her Jena for short =)

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  • Kids need sleep. My 28 month old takes a two hour nap every afternoon and still sleeps a good 11 hrs at night, sometimes longer if we try to get some extra sleep and the house isn't noisy.

    Try moving bedtime up by 30 minutes.

  • Agreed. My son just turned 2. He naps for nearly two hours every day. He goes to bed at 9 or 10 and wakes up at 9 or 10. IDK what to tell you. Kids NEED naps (so do parents), there is no reason to drop the nap until he/she is 4 or 5. Try doing an earlier nap (noon) and move bed time an hour or two earlier as well.
  • Ok well I disagree

    she's not tired for an earlier nap, certainly not at noon! there's no way I could put my kid to bed at 9pm!! I have to be up and off to work by 7:30am!! when she doesn't have enough night time sleep she is MISERABLE in the day. I guess all kids are different

    well anyhow,

    she's sleeping really well at night now - 12 hours + and its what is working for us :) she went to bed a bit earlier last night and slept 12.5 hours

    when she's really tired in the day she'll take a short nap

    so all good!


  • imageAmericanInOz:
    Ok well I disagree
    she's not tired for an earlier nap, certainly not at noon! there's no way I could put my kid to bed at 9pm!! I have to be up and off to work by 7:30am!! when she doesn't have enough night time sleep she is MISERABLE in the day. I guess all kids are different
    well anyhow,
    she's sleeping really well at night now 12 hours and its what is working for us : she went to bed a bit earlier last night and slept 12.5 hours
    when she's really tired in the day she'll take a short nap
    so all good!

    I don't think anyone is telling you specifically what time to put your child to bed; just saying what time frame works for them.

    For example, my ds1 wakes up at about 630am or 7am, takes a 2hr nap around 1, and goes to bed around 730pm or 8pm. So about 13 hrs of sleep a day.

    Ultimately you need to just do what works best for your child.

  • imageblondie42107:
     I don't think anyone is telling you specifically what time to put your child to bed; just saying what time frame works for them. For example, my ds1 wakes up at about 630am or 7am, takes a 2hr nap around 1, and goes to bed around 730pm or 8pm. So about 13 hrs of sleep a day. Ultimately you need to just do what works best for your child.

    Yea I know what you mean

    thing is - we tried that - having the normal nap at 1 (like she has for ages) and just a later bedtime, but she was waking up once or twice a night and then SO hard to wake in the morning - it just wasn't working for her. We did the 1-2 hour nap for a LONG time, but now that she's approaching 3 I guess she's just outgrowing it.... daycare suggested half an hour nap if she feels tired so we might just do that at home too, otherwise just have some quiet 'down time' after lunch

    well anyhow, I guess it's good to know that it's different for every kid :)

    I wouldn't worry about it so much if I didn't have to get her up a few days a week for daycare/work :)

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