The school parking lot today is extremely icy. I made the mistake of going out on break to get something for lunch later. As careful as I was being I nearly slipped 20 times on the ice. I just talked to admin and apparently the company that plows and salts the parking lot can only come before 6 am and doesn't pre-salt even when the forecast calls for freezing rain and sleet. The custodians can't do it because they "don't have the proper equipment" and they don't want to be liable for not doing it "properly". The admin can't do it for the same reason. So essentially the parking lot gets to stay a skating rink for the rest of the day because no one wants to be liable for not salting it properly. So my question is who is liable for me falling and hurting myself or my baby because no one has salted the parking lot?
Re: Icy parking lot rant
I understand that a little but can't they be liable for someone getting hurt because the parking lot is so icy? Maybe they should find a diffrent company
*says the florida girl who has never had to deal with icy roads and parking lots
This is my point. The VP is making some calls to look into it. This has been a problem all winter. She's going to try and find someone to escort me to my car at the end of the day because I don't think I can make that walk again. I'm seriously considering parking in one of the "visitor" spots that is closer to the school. Next time I'm just going to call in from my car saying I can't make it because it's too dangerous.
My BFP Chart
They still don't salt well.
I get really angry about poorly salted sidewalks and parking lots.
My grandma broke her arm in one, getting out in an icy handicapped spot. We reported the incident but the spot was still icy a week later.