May 2012 Moms

Milk donation

I just shipped 192 oz of breast milk to the milk bank. I feel good that it is going to help NICU babies but in the back of my mind I am sad that I went to all that work and LO didn't get to use it. He refuses to drink out of a bottle or sippy cup. I am working on the sippy cup but doubt he will get good at it before the milk goes bad. I feel guilty that I am slightly sad about this but I keep trying to tell myself that at least it will go to good use.

Re: Milk donation

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    Wow..that's a hole lot of milk!! Good for you!!!! You did a really great thing!

    Pumping is hard work I get how you would feel sad that LO wouldn't take any of it and thus feel guilty about it but think of all the NICU babies that you are going to be helping out and the parents of the babies that will be forever thankful for your generosity!

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    That's awesome and very generous!

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    way to go momma!!!

    thats awesome! 

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    As a mommy who never got a milk supply at all and wasn't able to BF, which was completely devastating to me at the time, I think it's great that you are helping out other moms who can't BF their little ones. 

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    That's amazing!!! I had thought of doing that but I HATE pumping and I'm too selfish to do it.
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    You should feel great!! I donate milk to a local couple with an adopted baby, and I love the thought that my milk as fed TWO babies at this point :) Be proud, and feel lucky that you had a freezer stash!

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    Congrats to you!

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