May 2012 Moms

Bfing check in

I'm sitting here nursing Lucas wondering about all of you so...
For those who are bfing, how's it going?
We are doing great Lucas is very efficient now and we've had an easy stretch since a clogged duct at Christmas.

Do you enjoy it now?
I love bfing, this is the second lo I've nursed and so wish I had with my first. Not that there hasn't been challenges but I love that I am still growing a healthy happy baby!

How long to you hope to go?
I always thought I'd wean at 12 months I did with Nathan but I was 3 months pregnant with Lucas then. But now knowing Lucas is my last I think we'll go to a few times a day until 18 months and then see how we both feel about it.

Are you on a schedule or do you feed on demand?
I sah so totally on demand

Do you nip? If so with or with out a cover?
I nip, I do find changing rooms or my car easiest with a toddler too but if we're out I will feed him where ever. I use a blanket or burp cloth to cover my boob but I'm not overly crazy about it.
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Re: Bfing check in

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    I'm still pumping but it's a struggle. I know you responded to one of my posts on the BFing board. My supply has dropped down to almost nothing. It was actually one of my first signs that I needed to take a pregnancy test. I'm really sad about not making as much milk as I use to, but I'm trying to be at peace with it. Plus, I'm very excited about HOPEFULLY nursing this next one. Maybe I'll know what to expect better this time. I would like to pump extra at night or something and eventually give DD1 some of my milk in a cup when my supply is rebooted with this next one. I'm still supplementing with my freezer stash and I guess it'll be about a month until I need to use formula, maybe sooner.
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    I am still BF six times a day. It is pretty much on a schedule but more of so long since the last meal or when he woke up than a certain time. I plan to start weaning at 12 months. I do not really like it. It is one of those things I do because I think it is good for my baby. I nurse in the car occasionally and once in a dressing room but I am pretty private about it.
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    For those who are bfing, how's it going? Great! I absolutely love it. We had a very rocky start the first 6-8 weeks, and I'm thankful every day that I was able to overcome those obstacles.

    How long to you hope to go? I'm torn. My goal has always been 12 months. As we get closer and closer to that goal, the thought of stopping makes me sad! I love our quiet cuddle time. At the same time, it would be nice to have my body back (especially since we want to TTC #2 soon)

    Are you on a schedule or do you feed on demand? He's on a pretty good schedule but when I'm home I'll nurse on demand if needed

    Do you nip? If so with or with out a cover? Not too much...I usually escape to a dressing room or my car. I have once or twice though, with a cover

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    We are still nursing. I am in grad school and didn't pump at all over the holiday break, and it is so hard to get back to it. I hoped to have enough of a freezer stash to keep giving her bm during the day after 12 months, but I haven't frozen any milk since December so that's probably not going to happen. I pump while I am away from DD but not any extra. We are going to play itby ear with regards to weaning. I would like to nurse in the mornings and evenings until she is ready to stop. But I would love to put the pump away for good when she turns one! We have had such a great nursing experience, it makes me sad to think that it may come to an end before long. Oh, and we try not to NIP anymore. If anything is the least bit distracting, she is standing up and crawling around in my arms, trying to take my nipple with her.
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     For those who are bfing, how's it going? Great! I tried nursing DS1, but was not successful. I'm really happy I could do it this time.

    Do you enjoy it now? Sometimes yes. Sometimes no.  I love it in the am and pm. during the day he is easily distracted by his big bro.

    How long to you hope to go? My goal was 6 months. Now it's a year! My pedi told me to start introducing cow's milk at 11 months. I will very slowly drop back to only night and more feedings.

    Are you on a schedule or do you feed on demand? I was feeding on demand. When he started eating 3 meals he put himself on a schedule.

    Do you nip? If so with or with out a cover? I did nip with a cover or in the dressing room. Now that he is on a schedule I rarely have to do it. I don't even think he would let me cover him anymore, unless it was a feeding before nap.

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    We are still going strong!

    I'm a FTM so I never really thought much of nursing before I got KU I just "knew" it was something I wanted to do. The beginning was so difficult for many reasons, I can't tell you how many times I felt like giving up.. But I didn't because I was PROMISED it was going to get easier!

    After 4months it got easier and sometime after 6months is when I actually started to really like breast feeding. We are at 10 months now and I LOVE breastfeeding I really really love everything about it. I'm so passionate about it now and I'm SO happy that I pushed myself to keep going and honestly if it wasn't for the breastfeeding board on the bump I don't know if we would have made it this far. The advice, the encouragement, and the knowledge I got from that board I can't even put into words.. I'm so thankful that a board like that even exists. And I did the bfing class during pregnancy I read,read read, everything I could about bfing to "prepare" myself but I was still so undereducated about it all.

    Clogged ducts SUcK btw!

    In the beginning I thought I'd wean at 12 months now that we are at 10 months I plan to let LO self wean. 

    I work 3 days a week so when we are together I nurse on demand.

    I do nip I try to pick a more private area because LO comes unlatched a lot when there is to much going on around him. Sometimes I use a cover and other times I don't. I also sometimes feed LO in the car before we walk into where ever we are going because I know he won't get distracted in the car.


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    We're still going strong.  I love it most of the time.  We had a really rough 3 months in the beginning so I'm glad we could have several months of (mostly) smooth sailing to make up for it. As much fun as I like the cuddle time now, I am looking forward to when I don't have to be the one to wake up on the weekend early with the baby, because my hubby will no longer have the excuse that LO wants to nurse.  I'm also looking forward to getting rid of the pump at one year.  That part I do NOT enjoy.

    I will keep going until 1 year and then probably stop pumping during the day but still do mornings and nights as long as we're both enjoying it.

    I feed on demand.  Often it's still every 2 hours unless a meal extends it to maybe 3 or 3.5 hours.  And luckily I have a great sleeper so no middle of the night feedings anymore.

     I nurse in public on occasion.  Since LO has gotten so aware of his surroundings I find it easiest to do in the car or a dressing room.  It's been a LONG time since I tried in a restaurant with a nursing cover.

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    We're still going strong.  I love it most of the time.  We had a really rough 3 months in the beginning so I'm glad we could have several months of (mostly) smooth sailing to make up for it. As much fun as I like the cuddle time now, I am looking forward to when I don't have to be the one to wake up on the weekend early with the baby, because my hubby will no longer have the excuse that LO wants to nurse.  I'm also looking forward to getting rid of the pump at one year.  That part I do NOT enjoy.

    I will keep going until 1 year and then probably stop pumping during the day but still do mornings and nights as long as we're both enjoying it.

    I feed on demand.  Often it's still every 2 hours unless a meal extends it to maybe 3 or 3.5 hours.  And luckily I have a great sleeper so no middle of the night feedings anymore.

     I nurse in public on occasion.  Since LO has gotten so aware of his surroundings I find it easiest to do in the car or a dressing room.  It's been a LONG time since I tried in a restaurant with a nursing cover.

    Ok I made a mistake I also am looking forward to getting rid of the pump, that is a part of bfing I don't enjoy either!

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     For those who are bfing, how's it going? Awesome!  

    Do you enjoy it now? I love it. She has gotten so efficient so nursing doesn't take long. She is so on the move anymore I find that I treasure our little cuddle sessions. I will be sad when they stop.

    How long to you hope to go? I also always thought we would be done at 1. However, I think I'm just going to follow her lead. I have no plans to TTC anytime soon so if she wants to go longer I'm okay with that.

    Are you on a schedule or do you feed on demand? She has a pretty predictable schedule during the week because I work but on the weekends we are not as scheduled.

    Do you nip? I usually just nurse in the car if we are out and about. I wish I would have been more bold earlier on. I feel like I missed out on stuff because I secluded myself when we were out.

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    Still going! I do enjoy the bonding aspect of it, but do not other things about it like the fact that I feel limited in where I can go with or without LO and for how long. I do not NIP so that is part of my problem I think. I'm just a little shy about pulling the girls out around people.

    My goal is 12 months. I am also a little saddened by the idea that it'll be over soon but am proud to have made it this long. And, super excited to stop pumping. I. hate. pumping.

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    For those who are bfing, how's it going?

    Really well. I work full time, so I pump 2x a day and manage to get the ~20oz that LO takes at DC. Starting to come up a little short by an ounce or 2 some days, but I have a 600oz freezer stash, so I'm not worried. 

    Do you enjoy it now?

    I love it, because LO isn't napping at DC, he pretty much falls asleep when I put him in the carseat to go home and only wakes to nurse and then go to bed for the night, so nursing in the evening is one of the few cuddle times I get with him.

    How long to you hope to go?

    My goal was 12 months and then transition to WCM. I know I'm going to miss it. As is LO is already starting to drop a nursing session or bottle in favor of solids. I hope to continue morning and night nursing beyond 12 months, but looking forward to dropping pumping during the day.

    Are you on a schedule or do you feed on demand?
    On demand.

    Do you nip? If so with or with out a cover? 

    Yup, without, but with nursing shirts. I find the cover draws more attention to what I'm doing, while with a good shirt, it just looks like I'm holding LO closely. 

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    Do you enjoy it now? I love it. It's great bonding time and I love our alone time.

    How long to you hope to go? I had always planned to start weaning at 12 months and I think I will stick with this plan. I would really like my body back. Also, DD has learned where I "hide" her milk machines and she is constantly pulling on my shirt when she's hungry...which isn't always cute.

    Are you on a schedule or do you feed on demand? For the most part we are on a schedule but I will definitely feed on demand if she require it. She is still eating every 2 hours, which becomes tiresome. I really wish she would learn to go every 3-3.5 hours. She also wakes up 2-4 times a night to nurse, which is also tiresome.

    Do you nip? If so with or with out a cover? I'll nip but usually find a private place or my car to nurse. I've never fully nip, though I won't object to it if I had to. I did with DS all the time (with a cover).

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    We're still going strong!  I love it! Always have since the begining.  I read "the 7 laws of breastfeeding" and feel it really prepared me for what was to come.  We hope to go to one year.  Lately LO has been scraping his teeth on me to pull off.  Hurts like crazy, but hopefully I can teach him not to do that.  We don't have a schedule.  He nurses on demand still. 
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    We're still going strong!  I love it! Always have since the begining.  I read "the 7 laws of breastfeeding" and feel it really prepared me for what was to come.  We hope to go to one year.  Lately LO has been scraping his teeth on me to pull off.  Hurts like crazy, but hopefully I can teach him not to do that.  We don't have a schedule.  He nurses on demand still. 

    DD also scrapes her teeth against me, but usually its while she eats. It hurts! I usually unlatch her then latch her back on. It works sometimes.

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    how's it going?
    For the 1st few months we really struggled with supply and were supplementing. But once LO started solids everything has been much easier and she doesn't need supplemental formula.

    Do you enjoy it now?
    Mostly. Now that supply isn't an issue, I am very happy.

    How long to you hope to go?
    My plan is also one year. I'm open to whatever happens and feel thankful we've made it this far.

    Are you on a schedule or do you feed on demand?
    We bf on demand, but it is usually pretty consistent.

    Do you nip? If so with or with out a cover?
    We frequently nip, sometimes with a cover sometimes without. Places like the subway where I can't be discreet, I prefer to use the cover. LO doesn't like being covered and frequently pulls it up! When we don't use a cover, I like to wear nursing shirts that split at the bust line. This is more for me than for other people though.
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    Still going here. Having some mild supply issues due to stress and change in pumping schedule. We're slowly getting back in track but I just really hate pumping. Wish I could BF only, but unfortunatly I can't go with her to daycare.

    Do you enjoy it now? I love it now. We had small struggles in the beginning but now it's so easy for us. I'm glad we were able to do it.

    How long to you hope to go? My plan was originally 6 months, then "when I go back to work" which has passed, now I'm kind of just thinking I'll go till she self weans or whatever else comes up.

    Are you on a schedule or do you feed on demand? She's on a schedule for bottles at daycare (which I pump) and on demand at home.

    Do you nip? If so with or with out a cover? I nip, typically without a cover. I find her and my shirt are cover enough. She gets more squirmy and distracted if her face is covered. If I cover it's just a receiving blanket bunched up and draped over the edge of my shirt.

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    Still nursing here. I nursed dd1 until 15 months and I was 4 months pregnant with Emma. Emma is 9 months old now and I am 14 weeks along. I am hoping to make it until one with her 

    Yes most of the time, we had a hard time with her latch and overproduction in the beginning. It has all evened out now

    I hope to make it to one but I don't know how I will feel then. I don't want to cut her off but I will have a newborn just 3 months after her birthday

    She has always had a very set nursing schedule. Her choice not mine. She nurses when she wakes, before nap, after nap, before dinner, and before bed

    We don't really find the need to nip. She loves snacks so if she is hungry I just give her a cracker until we get home.


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    Still going here! I thought I would have given up by now.

    I do enjoy BF'ing and also not washing bottles. I usually tell people I'm nursing out of laziness at this point. ;. We had a lot of struggles early on and spent a lot of time at the LC. I'm pretty proud of us for sticking it out.

    My original goal was 6 months, then until she got teeth, then to make it through the winter. Now, I'm thinking we can make it to 1 year easily. I actually have enough in my deep freeze to quit within the next week, but we're so close! Also, then I'd have to wash bottles can you tell I REALLY hate that chore? I pump twice a day while at work but plan on dropping to one pump a day next week.

    I usually feed on a schedule, but it's not super strict.

    I NIP usually with a blanket over my shoulder. I've done it at restaurants, church, the mall play place, in line at has to eat!

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    Still nursing here too :) LO nurses about 7 times a day/night. She's getting ready to drop one of her day feedings though. We don't nurse on schedule per se but she usually eats before or after sleep so it ends up being about the same time.

    We don't NIP much, partially because we usually are only out in between sleep and she doesn't want to nurse and partially because she is so distracted in public or anywhere new. We nurse on occasion in the car. 

     My goal has always been to nurse until 24months - but we'll see how it goes once we get pregnant again.

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    Still nursing here too! I enjoy that I am able to provide him with breastmilk, but I don't really love it or find it that magical like some other people describe. Now that he is older, he only nurses about 4 times a day and he bites me and wiggles all over the place, kicks, stratches and claws. I enjoy the sweet sleepy nursing sessions, but those are becoming rarer and rarer. He is in a race to grow up, it seems :-(

    I NIP when I need to and I rarely use a cover. Mostly just his blanket wrapped around him.

    I plan to keep at it until he transitions to milk. 



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    Mono/di twin girls: Josephine born to heaven and Evangeline born Earthside at 25w



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    Going well here also, I work full time so it is 2 BFing relationships between me and the pump and me and baby. My LO is down to a pretty regular schedule so that makes it easy peasy. She does have 1 bottle of formula everyday before bed 6 oz ish given by daddy. It is good for the both of them and I just never made the extra milk for that bottle and we are of the 'tank em up camp' but she is STTN like a rock star so it has rally worked for our family.
    Now that she eats so many solids and is on a schedule I only occasionaly end up NIP and it is usually at church and with a cover.
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