I also posted this on nurseries and gear, but does anyone know of a jogging stroller other than the bob? I know that's the best one, but they're huge even when folded and we just don't have the space. Is there anything slightly smaller? It would be for light jogging on paved paths, so it doesn't need to be super heavy duty. TIA!
BFP 9/27/14
MMC discovered 10/27/14, D&C 11/4/14
Re: XP: jogging stroller besides bob?
Check out the baby jogger summit. They are just releasing the new version, the X3, but the current XC is also nice. Look at YouTube videos that comparetthe new features so you can decide. I really like the one handed fold of the baby jogger and the hand operated front wheel lock/unlock control (new feature on the X3).
Here's a quick article https://blog.peppyparents.com/779/baby-jogger-summit-x3/
I think the X3 is released in March.
Kristina - 34
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