So only thing I've found that gets my dipes really clean is Tide. The problem is my LO is definitely allergic to it. I bought some All F&C powder, which cleared up the rash, but after a week, my diapers have a weird stink and I can tell they're not getting clean enough again. I thought about trying the Tide Free & Gentle powder, but if he's allergic to Tide will the free and gentle likely still irritate him? Is the Free & Gentle strong enough to still thoroughly clean diapers, or because it's the Free composition will I likely have the same problem I'm having with the All? I have so many half-used boxes of detergent in my cupboard right now trying to find something that works that I hate to buy something else and have it not work yet again.
Re: Tide Allergy Question
Unfortunately, I don't think Tide's Free and Clear comes in a powder.
ETA: though it is possible that your LO is allergic to the fragrance in Tide and not tide itself so the Free and Clear might be ok...