There were no surprises about when, where, or what time my sweet girl would be born. I had a scheduled c-section and it had been on the calendar for weeks! My husband and I arrived at the hospital at 7:54 am. I was very calm and felt a huge sense of relief.
Pregnancy for me, was a difficult road and not one I care to repeat. It consisted of my husband being sent off for military duty 5 days after I found out I was pregnant. My body fell apart. I lost over 10% of my body weight, had 28 appointments and 13 ultrasounds between weeks 7-38. Without sharing the details, I will just tell you I was extremely high risk, spent 8 months on partial or full bed rest, and for us to make it was incredible.
Time went fast in our room before the c-section. It was peaceful and happy. The c-section was the easiest thing I did the entire pregnancy. She was bor just after 11:00. I don't remember a lot about that day, but I did stay very coherent until I heard my daughter cry and saw her. I don't remember her leaving the room or myself being taken to recovery because I had medical issues that caused me (expected) problems. The next 10 hours are a blur, but after that I do remember going to visit my daughter in the NICU and holding her. It was the best day of my life. I am thankful I was not aware of the 10 hours previously because my daughter had some serious health issues. By the time I was aware, she was stabilized and moved to the NICU. Regardless of the medical issues I fought and she fought over the next 5 days, we had made it and we were blessed.
Some people have a hard time dealing with feelings about having a c-section. I am different. For me, a c-section was a blessing and I am thankful it was an option and very necessary. I love my daughter and have no feelings of being cheated. We are very fortunate to both be here and healthy. My doctor is my hero and my daughter is my miracle. She is 5 months old
Re: L's Birth Story-Scheduled C-Section Blessing