Not a fan of Petal at all... and the mns just make it sound that much more awful.
Is there a reason you chose Petal along with each of those mns? Just curious...
I guess, trying really hard not to get choked up on the just ick of it, Petal Moon probably goes best. Petal Luna smushes together too much with the L at the end of the fn and beginning of the mn. And Petal Ivory just doesn't flow.
ETA: What about Petunia? I can get behind Petunia way more than I can Petal.
Proud babywearing, breastfeeding, vaccinating SAHM of 2U2!
Well the story behind it is DH has chosen Petal as the fn. I have been trying to come up with the mn, but haven't found any that go well with Petal except the three I posted. We have asked a few people herre, and some really like Petal. A few don't, but I didn't think it was that unpopular, does ANYone like it? Now I feel we may be Back to square one although I know I can't base this decision off of a forum, but still! Thanks for the input so far.
If M came home from school saying a girl in her class was named Petal I would think it was incredibly strange. I can't see how it could be popular in any way. I mean it isn't TERRIBLE, you could do so so much worse but it isn't a name for a child IMO. It's the name for a guinea pig... I wouldn't even name my cat or dog petal lol
Those are some strange mns... what about something more traditional? If you're going to go out on a limb with a fn I feel like you need a good traditional mn to ground it. Petal Elizabeth, Petal Marie, Petal Renee, Petal Michelle, there are so many possibilities. Grab a name book or go on a baby name website and just go through the pages one at a time marking names that stand out to you and then see how they all go with Petal.
Proud babywearing, breastfeeding, vaccinating SAHM of 2U2!
Well the story behind it is DH has chosen Petal as the fn. I have been trying to come up with the mn, but haven't found any that go well with Petal except the three I posted. We have asked a few people herre, and some really like Petal. A few don't, but I didn't think it was that unpopular, does ANYone like it? Now I feel we may be Back to square one although I know I can't base this decision off of a forum, but still! Thanks for the input so far.
I don't HATE it. I could get behind Petal before I'd get behind something like MacKenzie.
That said, the middle names are a little TOO much for me. I like some of the suggestions like Daphne or Eden. I'd also suggest Maeve, Kate, or Jane.
Also, out of your choices Petal Luna is the worst for me. It sounds like the town Petaluma in California.
Well the story behind it is DH has chosen Petal as the fn. I have been trying to come up with the mn, but haven't found any that go well with Petal except the three I posted. We have asked a few people herre, and some really like Petal. A few don't, but I didn't think it was that unpopular, does ANYone like it? Now I feel we may be Back to square one although I know I can't base this decision off of a forum, but still! Thanks for the input so far.
I don't HATE it. I could get behind Petal before I'd get behind something like MacKenzie.
That said, the middle names are a little TOO much for me. I like some of the suggestions like Daphne or Eden. I'd also suggest Maeve, Kate, or Jane.
Also, out of your choices Petal Luna is the worst for me. It sounds like the town Petaluma in California.
I agree with all this. I think I like flower and object names more than most people on this board, but two object names together is kind of overkill. And I did think of Petaluma right away (never been there, no positive or negative associations, but it was the first thing I thought of). Daphne means laurel in Greek and would be a nice way of getting an appealing plant reference in there without being so literal in English, if that's what you're going for.
DD born 10/10/07 * DS born 11/25/11 * #3 due 3/9/2015
While I appreciate the honesty, that's kinda harsh!
I know I'm so sorry! I'm very honest when it comes to my feelings on names... I don't mean it to be mean or anything, I just want to give a very blunt opinion because the matter of the fact is that more unique names will be judged, it just happens.
Proud babywearing, breastfeeding, vaccinating SAHM of 2U2!
Elle, I say this in the very nicest way, but Petal isn't a great name. I liked PP idea of Petunia; can you run that by your H? Petunia is a great name and many many MANY mns could go with it (Lynn, Marie, Jane, Elizabeth, Louise, etc etc)
Pansy and Poppy are other great "P" floral names. Another that I might suggest is Fern.
What drew you and DH to Petal? FWIW-many may pronounce this not as "pet-ehl, but "puh-tall".
Elle, I say this in the very nicest way, but Petal isn't a great name. I liked PP idea of Petunia; can you run that by your H? Petunia is a great name and many many MANY mns could go with it (Lynn, Marie, Jane, Elizabeth, Louise, etc etc)
Pansy and Poppy are other great "P" floral names. Another that I might suggest is Fern.
What drew you and DH to Petal? FWIW-many may pronounce this not as "pet-ehl, but "puh-tall".
I really don't like Petunia. Thanks for the help. I am surprised by all the negative feedback only because those we asked in person said it was pretty, makes me wonder if they were being real or just trying to be nice!
Elle, I say this in the very nicest way, but Petal isn't a great name. I liked PP idea of Petunia; can you run that by your H? Petunia is a great name and many many MANY mns could go with it (Lynn, Marie, Jane, Elizabeth, Louise, etc etc)
Pansy and Poppy are other great "P" floral names. Another that I might suggest is Fern.
What drew you and DH to Petal? FWIW-many may pronounce this not as "pet-ehl, but "puh-tall".
I really don't like Petunia. Thanks for the help. I am surprised by all the negative feedback only because those we asked in person said it was pretty, makes me wonder if they were being real or just trying to be nice!
Honestly? I'm hiding behind my interwebz mask right now! If a friend IRL asked me, I'd say "oooh pretty! Very unique!" But really, I'd be thinking you were reaching.
Nymbler suggests Pearl, Reva, May, Tera, Ivy, and June. (I suggest Pearl!)
I don't love Petal, even though I am a fan of most nature-y names, because I feel like she'd be nicknamed Pet and I don't like that. Also agree you need a more classic/traditional middle name to ground it. Other suggestions:
Elle, I say this in the very nicest way, but Petal isn't a great name. I liked PP idea of Petunia; can you run that by your H? Petunia is a great name and many many MANY mns could go with it (Lynn, Marie, Jane, Elizabeth, Louise, etc etc)
Pansy and Poppy are other great "P" floral names. Another that I might suggest is Fern.
What drew you and DH to Petal? FWIW-many may pronounce this not as "pet-ehl, but "puh-tall".
I really don't like Petunia. Thanks for the help. I am surprised by all the negative feedback only because those we asked in person said it was pretty, makes me wonder if they were being real or just trying to be nice!
Honestly? I'm hiding behind my interwebz mask right now! If a friend IRL asked me, I'd say "oooh pretty! Very unique!" But really, I'd be thinking you were reaching.
Nymbler suggests Pearl, Reva, May, Tera, Ivy, and June. (I suggest Pearl!)
Depends how close I was with the person, an who they were because we have a few "hippy" friends who I would expect this from, but I'm pretty sure I couldn't even hide behind an "ooo that's pretty" I'd be like "Um, you're nuts and might as well hand your child name change papers when they turn 18". It's mainly the career stuff, I mean if you were an employer would you take a women named Petal seriously? You have to think of it that way. Would you want someone answering phones/having business cards/having a name plate on their desk/signing documents with the name Petal, is that something you would want associated with the integrity of your business? Coming from someone with family routes in business and law, that is the first thing that comes to mind when looking at more unique names that I would otherwise like. The more I think about "petal" the more I actually like it, seriously OP it's growing on me ::hehe no pun intended:: I'm not joking though, I'm really starting to like it... but you would seriously need to consider the name on an adult and I really do suggest pairing it with a traditional mn to add good balance if you do choose to use it. Have you thought of Tula? It has the same flow IMO as Petal but isn't as "out there".
Proud babywearing, breastfeeding, vaccinating SAHM of 2U2!
At least your spelling it correctly major points for that.
If you love it, it should be her name. Period. And, you needn't to be concerned what anyone else thinks. I don't really consider it that unusual of a name it's rather charming actually. I derive no negative connotations from your choice whatsoever. It's the tortured spellings of otherwise traditional names that make my eyes bleed.
Oh, and btw, I am an attorney and regularly interview candidates for associate positions in our firm. I wouldn't bat an eye were I to receive Petal's CV. Her credentials would be far more important.
I don't love Petal, even though I am a fan of most nature-y names, because I feel like she'd be nicknamed Pet and I don't like that. Also agree you need a more classic/traditional middle name to ground it. Other suggestions:
I don't hate Petal, but I don't love it either. I really like a lot of the above suggestions especially Iris, Sienna, Pearl (which sounds a lot like Petal) and Luna.
If you do go with Petal (or something else that's more, for lack of a better word, hippy) I would do a more traditional middle name, maybe one with some good nicknaming options, too. Elizabeth is one that comes to mind. That way if she doesn't feel like Petal suits her as a teen or adult, she would have some NN options to choose from.
Re: Opinions?
BFP #1: 12/22/10. EDD: 9/4/11. BDay: 8/30/11
BFP #2: 10/16/12. EDD: 6/27/13. Said Goodbye: 10/22/12
BFP #3: 11/20/12. EDD: 8/1/13. STICK BABY STICK!
Betas: 11/30/12 - 2819. 12/2/12 - 7339! Keep growing, baby!
Not a fan of Petal at all... and the mns just make it sound that much more awful.
Is there a reason you chose Petal along with each of those mns? Just curious...
I guess, trying really hard not to get choked up on the just ick of it, Petal Moon probably goes best. Petal Luna smushes together too much with the L at the end of the fn and beginning of the mn. And Petal Ivory just doesn't flow.
ETA: What about Petunia? I can get behind Petunia way more than I can Petal.
If M came home from school saying a girl in her class was named Petal I would think it was incredibly strange. I can't see how it could be popular in any way. I mean it isn't TERRIBLE, you could do so so much worse but it isn't a name for a child IMO. It's the name for a guinea pig... I wouldn't even name my cat or dog petal lol
Those are some strange mns... what about something more traditional? If you're going to go out on a limb with a fn I feel like you need a good traditional mn to ground it. Petal Elizabeth, Petal Marie, Petal Renee, Petal Michelle, there are so many possibilities. Grab a name book or go on a baby name website and just go through the pages one at a time marking names that stand out to you and then see how they all go with Petal.
I don't HATE it. I could get behind Petal before I'd get behind something like MacKenzie.
That said, the middle names are a little TOO much for me. I like some of the suggestions like Daphne or Eden. I'd also suggest Maeve, Kate, or Jane.
Also, out of your choices Petal Luna is the worst for me. It sounds like the town Petaluma in California.
I agree with all this. I think I like flower and object names more than most people on this board, but two object names together is kind of overkill. And I did think of Petaluma right away (never been there, no positive or negative associations, but it was the first thing I thought of). Daphne means laurel in Greek and would be a nice way of getting an appealing plant reference in there without being so literal in English, if that's what you're going for.
I know
I'm so sorry! I'm very honest when it comes to my feelings on names... I don't mean it to be mean or anything, I just want to give a very blunt opinion because the matter of the fact is that more unique names will be judged, it just happens.
Not intentional, and it's one of the reasons I don't like that pairing.
Pansy and Poppy are other great "P" floral names. Another that I might suggest is Fern.
What drew you and DH to Petal? FWIW-many may pronounce this not as "pet-ehl, but "puh-tall".
BFP #1: 12/22/10. EDD: 9/4/11. BDay: 8/30/11
BFP #2: 10/16/12. EDD: 6/27/13. Said Goodbye: 10/22/12
BFP #3: 11/20/12. EDD: 8/1/13. STICK BABY STICK!
Betas: 11/30/12 - 2819. 12/2/12 - 7339! Keep growing, baby!
I really don't like Petunia. Thanks for the help. I am surprised by all the negative feedback only because those we asked in person said it was pretty, makes me wonder if they were being real or just trying to be nice!
Honestly? I'm hiding behind my interwebz mask right now! If a friend IRL asked me, I'd say "oooh pretty! Very unique!" But really, I'd be thinking you were reaching.
Nymbler suggests Pearl, Reva, May, Tera, Ivy, and June. (I suggest Pearl!)
BFP #1: 12/22/10. EDD: 9/4/11. BDay: 8/30/11
BFP #2: 10/16/12. EDD: 6/27/13. Said Goodbye: 10/22/12
BFP #3: 11/20/12. EDD: 8/1/13. STICK BABY STICK!
Betas: 11/30/12 - 2819. 12/2/12 - 7339! Keep growing, baby!
I don't love Petal, even though I am a fan of most nature-y names, because I feel like she'd be nicknamed Pet and I don't like that. Also agree you need a more classic/traditional middle name to ground it. Other suggestions:
Iris, Magnolia, Azalea, Rose, Heather, Bay, Fern, Wren, Lark, Maple, Daisy, Marigold, Sable, Sienna, Brooke, Autumn, Summer, Winter, Waverly, June, Pearl, Luna, India,
Loss #6 2014 Loss #7 (chemical) 2014
~DS Born! 2009~
~DD Born! 2013~
Depends how close I was with the person, an who they were because we have a few "hippy" friends who I would expect this from, but I'm pretty sure I couldn't even hide behind an "ooo that's pretty" I'd be like "Um, you're nuts and might as well hand your child name change papers when they turn 18". It's mainly the career stuff, I mean if you were an employer would you take a women named Petal seriously? You have to think of it that way. Would you want someone answering phones/having business cards/having a name plate on their desk/signing documents with the name Petal, is that something you would want associated with the integrity of your business? Coming from someone with family routes in business and law, that is the first thing that comes to mind when looking at more unique names that I would otherwise like. The more I think about "petal" the more I actually like it, seriously OP it's growing on me ::hehe no pun intended:: I'm not joking though, I'm really starting to like it... but you would seriously need to consider the name on an adult and I really do suggest pairing it with a traditional mn to add good balance if you do choose to use it. Have you thought of Tula? It has the same flow IMO as Petal but isn't as "out there".
No. These names sound like a Summer's Eve product.
Luna is ok but I'd bury the others.
If you love it, it should be her name. Period. And, you needn't to be concerned what anyone else thinks. I don't really consider it that unusual of a name it's rather charming actually. I derive no negative connotations from your choice whatsoever. It's the tortured spellings of otherwise traditional names that make my eyes bleed.
Oh, and btw, I am an attorney and regularly interview candidates for associate positions in our firm. I wouldn't bat an eye were I to receive Petal's CV. Her credentials would be far more important.
I don't hate Petal, but I don't love it either. I really like a lot of the above suggestions especially Iris, Sienna, Pearl (which sounds a lot like Petal) and Luna.
If you do go with Petal (or something else that's more, for lack of a better word, hippy) I would do a more traditional middle name, maybe one with some good nicknaming options, too. Elizabeth is one that comes to mind. That way if she doesn't feel like Petal suits her as a teen or adult, she would have some NN options to choose from.
I think Petal is a super weirdassed name.
I like Luna a lot though.
I'm sorry I can't say I like any of these names as FN's. I think they would make nice MN's though.
#2 - EDD Nov. 15, '14