Potty Training

day 4 of "3 day potty training" advice/commiseration?

So far it hasn't "clicked" like her book suggests. DS is 26 months and I am 34 weeks pregnant.  I am so exhausted it isn't even funny.  He has only told my husband twice that he has to go and successfully made it to the potty without incident.  Most times he starts in his underwear and we rush him to the bathroom to finish or we catch him pulling at himself and do the same. Although yesterday we only went through 5 pairs of underwear (down from 9 on day 1), I have to go back to work tomorrow and today isn't looking much different.  Daycare isn't on board with that many accidents so I will be sending him in pull ups.  

My question, should we do pull ups the two days a week he is at daycare and keep on trying with the underwear here at home the rest of the time?  I'm also worried that since DH was home this long weekend and helping, DS is not wanting me involved.  Problem with that is that starting Wed. I'll be on my own during the day.  

Any wise words would be greatly appreciated. 

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Re: day 4 of "3 day potty training" advice/commiseration?

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    Are you taking him and making him sit every hour on the hour? My 27 month old only knows to tell me sometimes but if I take him every hour he goes and stays dry. Those are the days he asks to go too since he's so excited to stay dry.
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    I was reminding him to tell me if he had to go and rushing him there if he started in his undies. He had to go to daycare yesterday and they took him every hour. He refused to go. I finally decided he just might not be ready and put him back in diapers. I hate that the weekend was for nothing but I don't want him to hate the potty
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    I honestly don't think you can potty train a kid, especially a kid under 3 in 3 days or less. I started my DD at 25 months, and now a month later she is just starting to not have accidents. I say instead of making it this stressful deal, just let them figure it out. Yes, there are a lot of accidents, and yes it takes a longer amount of time, but it's important for them to know what they are doing and why they are doing it, and at this young they really don't tell you. My daughter will fight and fight sitting on the potty unless it is to poop, so I just scoop her up every now and again and set her on the potty, she goes and we get on with our day.
    I also am a huge believer in sticking with one way and not changing it when it comes to pull-ups or underwear. If you have them in cloth underwear, and then you switch them into a pull-up, it's like telling them there are certain times it's okay to pee in your pants and certain times it's not, which is nothing you want to deal with.

    Potty training is just so different for every kid, but just keep on with it, and try a sticker chart as rewards for going on the potty, be dramatically excited when he does go on the potty, and ask ALL the time if he has to go. My DD loved how excited I get (I do a dance and high five and congratulate, it's quite ridiculous)  that she now does it for me too when I potty. Haha. Anything to make it fun and exciting will make it that much easier for you and him.

    One other thing though that I am gonna through in is that I have heard a LOT that kids will revert to accidents once new baby comes, which is why I waited until two weeks after I had DD2, and it actually helped because she didn't want to be like the baby in diapers. Some kids though revert back for attention from their parents, so just a warning.

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    I'm on week 2!!! DS is almost 26 months old. He refused to wear diapers one day so I decided to get started. He has good and bad days. I'm also pregnant. 26 weeks and its amazing how much energy potty training takes. I also bribe DS with mms if he goes. The first couple of days I gave him a piece of a fruit snack for sitting on the potty.
    I am keeping him in underwear during the day. He wears diapers at night some naps. I still have a box of diapers I'm using up.
    I dont expect him to be completely potty train for awhile. I know he's still really young.
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    From 24 months until now ( 35 months) I have been trying to potty train my son and have been unsuccessful. I didn't understand why since my neice who is the same age learned to go right at 24 months. He knew he was suppose to go to the potty but only chose to tell me half of the time. I believe now that I was enabling him to fully learn because I would resort to pull ups when he went to school or anywhere in public because I was scared he would have an accident. Besides with a pull up on that saved me from cleaning up after that mess. His teacher advised me to put underwear on him more. My sister advised me to treat him with a reward anytime he did go to the potty. I'm proud to say both of these tips worked! He noticed how happy and excited I got when he went and how he got candy. Now only a few weeks before his 3rd Bday he is fully potty trained even at night! I honestly feel like you will see the signs once they are ready. He did have at least 1-2 accidents a day when I first started underwear with no pull ups all day. That's all it took no more accidents! hope this helps.

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    That is also true. May be better to potty train after baby comes. That was another way my son potty trained. I told him he was a big boy now and big boys go potty in the toilet. Babies don't know how. So he thought of it as being cool that he was a big boy and not a little baby anymore!
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    I honestly think it just depends on the kid.  My cousin did it with her daughter at 22 months and went back to diapers.  I used the three day method with my son at 20 months and it worked great.  I used a sticker chart and every 5 successes I let him choose a surprise from the "treasure chest" (cheap-o toys from the Dollar Tree).  That seemed to work.  It will say it took a few months to be completely accident free (and he still wears pull-ups at night).  I always did underwear during the day.  I feel like if I had him in a pull-up, he wouldn't mind going in them since it wicks the moisture away.  So if you need to use pull-ups for daycare, I would still use underwear at home.  It's a really tough process, hang in there!

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    We tried 3 day method at 2.5 it was seriously the worse 3 days of my life. I put all evidence of pt away. At 2yr10m we tried again with pee/poop success in 2 days. Some kids just aren't ready. Give him time.
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