I have the day off and have spent the last couple of hours googling adoption agencies and attorneys and whatnot. It is all very, very overwhelming. How on earth did you decide how to proceed? How did you go about researching your options?
Again, we are very, very early in the process. We are not even sure yet if adoption is the choice we want to make yet. Regardless, I feel like the more educated I try to become the more overwhelmed I get.
How did you start the research process?
Re: How did you get started?
Look at our FAQ section (above/right). It has some good books to read.
It's an overwhelming process. If you live in an area that has agencies, consider going to info sessions. That'll start you on a path that good questions will form Also, stick around here and ask questions!
We started by going to an adoption fair as and joining a local adoption association. They put us in touch with people via email and I got loads of good and bad feedback on agencies and lawyers. We de I ided we wanted to go with an agency so we wouldnt have to do advertising or anything and the place we are using does a good job of breaking down the price. S
adly cost is a factor for us and we felt anagency was most cost effective even though the wait may be longer.
Good luck!
This for us too. Also, some of the agencies we were researching offered free webinars and informational meetings on the weekends, which was very helpful!
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