Cloth Diapering

Are Terra Baby diapers just Alvas?

Hey there CD Mamas, I just came across Terra Baby and the designs look a little different than the Alva's I'm used to seeing but the Alva website is difficult to navigate, IMO, so I'm never sure that I've actually checked out all their offerings. Do you think Terra Baby is just another rebranded Alva company? They're $12ish a piece. 

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Re: Are Terra Baby diapers just Alvas?

  • They look like alvas to me.


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


  • imageKLilley:

    They look like alvas to me.


    Looks like Babyland to me. Alva is cut differently. 

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  • They definitely look like babyland diapers. If the Alva site confuses you, you can always try which sells them for almost the same price, but you pay shipping. Good thing is, that site is US based and you will get your diapers much faster.
  • We use Terra Baby diapers and I am really happy with the quality.  I tried them because they were inexpensive (compared to other brands we already had), but so far they are my favorite. They just seem to fit really well and they clean up nicely. 

    Just my two cents.Smile

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