
Toddlers with long hair

DD is having an itchy scalp issue and I can't figure out how to get it to go away.

A few months ago, she started getting tangles so we switched to a 2 in 1 kid's shampoo/conditioner. We started with Johnson's and Johnson's and she got horribly itchy. We switched to Suave Kids and it got a little better, but still itched. 

I decided to drop the conditioner and we went back to Burt's Bee's baby. She's not itching, but now her hair is dry and hard to brush through. I don't know whether to try a spray conditioner or just put some of mine on there. Anyone have a good combo?  

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Re: Toddlers with long hair

  • Itchy scalp is not a hair problem, its a scalp problem. You need to treat it from the inside rather than out. Try giving her a tablespoon of coconut oil every day, maybe you can pour it right into her milk? It will soothe and hydrate her skin!

    For dry hair, try an olive oil shampoo/conditioner, Palmer's in the green bottle is great! And rinse out the conditioner with cold water, not hot, because it'll help close the pores and seal in the moisture.

    Hope this helps!

    IMG_0512_zpsed7c1a63-1_zpsc1dbda7c photo IMG_0512_zpsed7c1a63-1_zpsc1dbda7c.jpg
  • I use California baby on DD and just use my (Dove) conditioner afterwards. She's never complained about an itchy scalp though. 

    You could try Head and Shoulders once a week? We use that to keep DS's cradle cap away. 

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  • imagemissmolly511:

    Itchy scalp is not a hair problem, its a scalp problem. You need to treat it from the inside rather than out. Try giving her a tablespoon of coconut oil every day, maybe you can pour it right into her milk? It will soothe and hydrate her skin!

    For dry hair, try an olive oil shampoo/conditioner, Palmer's in the green bottle is great! And rinse out the conditioner with cold water, not hot, because it'll help close the pores and seal in the moisture.

    Hope this helps!

    I hadn't thought about that. We use coconut oil for everything else, I'll try giving her some in her milk too.



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  • imagePepperStick:

    I use California baby on DD and just use my (Dove) conditioner afterwards. She's never complained about an itchy scalp though. 

    You could try Head and Shoulders once a week? We use that to keep DS's cradle cap away. 

    I'll try my conditioner and see if it works too. I  hadn't thought about Head and Shoulders.



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  • We use Aveeno shampoo and Johnson & Johnson Leave in Conditioner/detangler.
    Our Little Lady
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    Avery - 8.2.07 | Asher - 5.12.10 | Audrey - 11.28.12

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Rosie has long hair. We use Shea Moisture baby wash and then I use a light spray in conditioner after. The spray in I use is It's a 10 for blondes.
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  • Thanks guys for all the recs. I'm going to stick with the Burt's Bees since she doesn't itch with it and try a spray conditioner. 
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  • I like Burt's Bees products overall, but I've found their shampoos strip my hair & my kids' hair and leave it quite dry, and their conditioners don't condition/moisturize enough to counteract it. Particularly for my five-YO, whose hair is thick and somewhat dry. DD2's hair is fine and very long. 

    We use Shea Moisture shampoo/body wash, and I buy an extra-moisturizing adult conditioner for them. I've had good luck with Garnier, and I sometimes add argan oil for DD1's hair. 

    I have some of the Suave kids' detangler, and it's okay. I liked the one that Herbal Essences had, but they don't seem to make it any more. I prefer just to do in-bath conditioning over the spray.  


    DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010
  • For my girls, we use the Sauve 2 in 1 kids plus a regular conditiner (an adult kind) and that works wonders.  If they have tangles, we use the Sauve Spray detangle stuff.  My older DD has excema and never has issues with dry scalp.  I also do not wash their hair daily especially in the winter when its extra dry.  We wash every 203 days, in summer we wash every 1-2 days (more when its super sweaty hot or we are outside a lot or swimming).  I make sure the water is warm, not hot.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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