DD is having an itchy scalp issue and I can't figure out how to get it to go away.
A few months ago, she started getting tangles so we switched to a 2 in 1 kid's shampoo/conditioner. We started with Johnson's and Johnson's and she got horribly itchy. We switched to Suave Kids and it got a little better, but still itched.
I decided to drop the conditioner and we went back to Burt's Bee's baby. She's not itching, but now her hair is dry and hard to brush through. I don't know whether to try a spray conditioner or just put some of mine on there. Anyone have a good combo?
Re: Toddlers with long hair
Itchy scalp is not a hair problem, its a scalp problem. You need to treat it from the inside rather than out. Try giving her a tablespoon of coconut oil every day, maybe you can pour it right into her milk? It will soothe and hydrate her skin!
For dry hair, try an olive oil shampoo/conditioner, Palmer's in the green bottle is great! And rinse out the conditioner with cold water, not hot, because it'll help close the pores and seal in the moisture.
Hope this helps!
I use California baby on DD and just use my (Dove) conditioner afterwards. She's never complained about an itchy scalp though.
You could try Head and Shoulders once a week? We use that to keep DS's cradle cap away.
I hadn't thought about that. We use coconut oil for everything else, I'll try giving her some in her milk too.
I'll try my conditioner and see if it works too. I hadn't thought about Head and Shoulders.
Avery - 8.2.07 | Asher - 5.12.10 | Audrey - 11.28.12
I like Burt's Bees products overall, but I've found their shampoos strip my hair & my kids' hair and leave it quite dry, and their conditioners don't condition/moisturize enough to counteract it. Particularly for my five-YO, whose hair is thick and somewhat dry. DD2's hair is fine and very long.
We use Shea Moisture shampoo/body wash, and I buy an extra-moisturizing adult conditioner for them. I've had good luck with Garnier, and I sometimes add argan oil for DD1's hair.
I have some of the Suave kids' detangler, and it's okay. I liked the one that Herbal Essences had, but they don't seem to make it any more. I prefer just to do in-bath conditioning over the spray.
DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010