May 2012 Moms


How's your lo feeling??
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Re: Littleredfish

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    Aw, she's doing better, thanks for asking! :) Still tugging on her ears as of last night, but no fever since Saturday. I'm glad today is a holiday in my province so I get an extra day to help her recoup so she'll be ready to go back to daycare tomorrow. She actually LIKES her amoxicillin which is hilarious, she gets all excited when she sees it. I can tell she's still battling with it though because she is just exhausted. She's taken 2 2 hours naps since friday and slept through the night each night since she's been on her amoxi; not that I mind that part, it's just so out of character for her.

    I was talking to DH about it and he, one of his brothers, and my sister each had tubes in their ears due to ear infections while his sister, other brother and myself have not. So we figure it's 50/50 for us going down that road with her and I really hope we don't.

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    I'm glad she's doing better, I know my middle loves all medicine it's funny.

    I was also thinking I forgot to mention I have a home kit by safety first that you can look in your kids ears and thoat with. It comes with a book of pics of what a healthy ear, waxy ear, infected ear looks like. It isn't to replace a dr but I've used it since my first to take a peak when I think something's up so I know when to go to the dr and what to ask them to check. It's saved my sanity tons of times! May be something you and the other may moms might like to look into!
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    That's really interesting. I was saying to DH that I regretted selling my stethoscope from school last year because it would have given me a better idea of what was going on in her lungs when she was all weezy. I'll look into it.
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    I got it years ago at target I think for under 20 it's great to have
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    I just looked it up on amazon because my husband keeps saying he wishes we had one. 
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