So... I am 5w PP and went to the gym yesterday and today to walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes (just starting out easy). I will admit it was hard not to do more but I didn't want to over do it and not be able to go on a regular basis...
When did yall get back in the gym and comfortable to start back in your normal routine? Did it feel like you had to start from scratch?
Any suggestions on workouts, exercises, etc that help get your midsection to fully contract back in and/or help tone your abdominal muscles/skin?
Re: Working Out
My MFM serves as the on-call OB for my midwifery clinic and ended up performing my surgery after a failed induction. He gave me no restrictions and just asked me to think and listen to my body to let me know if something is 'too much'. One thing he did restrict was driving but only if I took the Percocet, which I didn't - I stuck with 800mg Motrin. I have felt really good the past few weeks so I decided to finally hit up the gym...
I started back at 6w PP as soon as my OB gave me the go ahead. It was difficult at first and a little frustrating that I couldn't do the things I used to be able to. I worked out my entire pregnancy (with restrictions) and was at the gym the day before I delivered at 36w.
Start back slowly, your abdominals will take awhile to get stronger. My first day back I tried doing a box jump ( something i did all the time before pregnancy) and fell. I felt so defeated. I just didn't have the abdominal strength to get myself up on that box! My boys are 4 months now and I'm just starting to feel somewhat like myself and getting stronger everyday. I finally attempted the box jump this week and got myself up there. Trust me, it will get easier with time and consistent workouts. I'm about 10 lbs away for pre-pregnancy weight and I gained close to 60l lbs.
TX: IUI #1-4 = BFN + 1 c/p
IUI #5: Clomid 100mg + Bravelle + Trigger + B2B IUIs + 800mg Progesterone = BFP!
Beta #1 (14dpiui): 460 Beta #2 (16dpiui): 998 Beta #3 (23dpiui): 21,832 Beta #4 (29dpiui): 129,771
I am going to physical therapy for abdominal separation and I've been given a bunch of exercises to get my abdominal muscles to grow back together. Basically, anything where you bend or arch your back can make it worse, so no crunches or sit-ups. Do lots of exercises to work your lower abs - such as laying on your back and lifting/lowering your legs, pelvic tilts, etc. Also, plank position is really good, provided you are able to maintain the straight back. Also you can look on youtube for "diastasis recti" for some guided workouts to help your postpartum abdominals.
I'm 3+ months postpartum and still don't feel like my body can handle my old routine. (I was a runner/yoga enthusiast before getting pregnant). I hope to be running again soon, but for now I'm just walking. Not sure how I will ever find time for yoga again!
TTC #2 since July 2010
March 2012 IVF (MDL Protocol) Started stims 3/3; ER 3/11 (9R, 8M, 7F) ET 3/16 (5dt of 2 blasts graded 3AB and 3BA, 3 frosties(!!) Beta 3/26 = 386; Beta 3/28 = 827; u/s 4/11 says TWINS! Boy/Girl Twins delivered at 36 weeks 6 days
I miss it ... I was pulled off of exercise at 22w, worked out a handful of times while the girls were in the NICU, but I have no idea when I would have dreamed of doing it since they've come home! This coming frim the girl who worked out 5x a week for over a decade prior to becoming pregnant. I think once I'm done EPing I can justify the lunch workout when I'm back FT, but man, sleep seems like such a better alternative for the time being! That, and I'm 4lbs from my pre preg weight, so not outrageously motivated. I guess there's one...and maybe the only one...perk of the girls arriving so early...