May 2012 Moms

May 2012 Babies

So what's new this week?

DD is talking a LOT more. Also, the crawling has become nonstop and crazy fast. I can also see her sense of humor developping before my eyes. She's always been very silly but now she's much more aware of what makes us laugh.
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Re: May 2012 Babies

  • DD is still cutting teeth.  Her two front teeth are through on the top now, but one of the teeth next to them is also getting ready to cut through and is making her uncomfortable.  She's having fun with the new ones though -- has already figured out she can bite and tear things with her teeth much easier now that she has top ones to go with the bottom.

    She also started saying DaDa and DaDe intentionally toward DH now, so that's exciting.  No luck with getting her to say MaMa for me yet.  But everytime I say MaMa to her and lean in close, she gives me a kiss on the cheek!  I'll take what I can get.  LOL

    And she's getting better and better at standing.  Won't be long now.....

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  • He is standing without holding on to anything. I can't get over how long he can just stand. He started walking with his push toys this week. I think he is going to be an early walker like his brother. He says dada, but not much else. I got a ma once!
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  • We have a tooth! Well, about a quarter of it so far. I really think the amber teething necklace has really helped, because he is only slightly whining, not crying, screaming or anything.
    We have been officially crawling for almost 2 weeks now, and he's a mover. Today I put him in his crib and got him an outfit and by the time k turned back around he was standing up and had the biggest smile on his face. He has been tying to pull up lately, and now I think he has the hang of it! Lol.
    Otherwise that's about it. Not too many new things.
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  • My dd is now clapping and saying hi (Her first word was dada of course!). She tries to say bye-bye and dog-dog as well but is still working on that. She isn't crawling yet but I think she is getting really close so hopefully in the next couple weeks. 
  • DD is walking along the furniture and while holding our hands. She is very close to crawling but would much rather walk. EC has been going really, really well. 

    She has a great little sense of humour and loves to make people laugh. We have been hibernating since before Chirstmas so she is playing shy with people and other babies so Mama needs to get us out there more and be social.

     And I got her weighed the other day and she is 21 lbs 10 oz! 

  • DD is cruising ALL over the place!  She looks like a little old lady with her walker.  We just had to switch to formula  from EBF because I have been losing my milk.. Turns out.. I'M PREGNANT!  OMG... not sure I'm ready to start all over but even with trying to be really careful.. God must have had other plans!
  • omg ava is all over the place. she talk up a storm shes walking all over with her push walker. one of the drs at my hospital accused me of doing physical therapy on her :) lol hes funny. she loves walking down the halway with the push walker looking for me. I usually hide in our bedroom and when she gets close I jump out and she starts hysterically laughing and shouts mamamama its hilarious. shes a riot
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