1st Trimester

5 weeks

Took home pregnancy test on the 5th of February, was positive. Took two more and positive showed up right away. My ovulation and cycles have never been regular but according to last period I thought I was right around 8 weeks. First ultrasound showed gestational sac and yolk sac. From everything I've read, the yolk sac was in good shape. I keep telling myself not to worry, that everything is fine. I've had no bleeding of any kind, no nausea. Just tender breasts. I'm not sure why finding out so early freaks me out, I guess I just expected to see a baby in there. If anyone else has found out this early and made it thru, encouraging words are greatly appreciated! My pessimistic nature wont give me a break :(

Re: 5 weeks

  • If it helps... according to my lmp I thought I was 8 weeks at my first appt. but in actuality I was only 5. We only saw a gestational sac and yolk sac during my first US. Three weeks later we could see our little guy, and his estimated due date was calculated a few weeks after that. Hang in there. Hopefully your next appointment will offer some clarity. 
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  • My first pregnancy I found out at 8 weeks but this one I took three home tests and they all came back positive I'm about 5 weeks, I planned it and know within the week we conceived, I'm not worried at all, think of it this way the earlier you find out the faster you can start taking care of yourself n baby! You'll be fine keep positive!
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  • From your OP it doesn't sound like you were charting right? If your cycles haven't been regular in the past it is very possible that you don't always ovulate on day 14 (normal) but LMP calculations are based on the assumption that you do O on that day. It sounds like you O'd late and caught your BFP early. Congrats!

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    TTC#2 October 2011. June 2012 diagnosed with mild PCOS and both tubes blocked.
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    2/12/13 BFP, EDD 10/25/13 Please stick little one
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    A stowaway on board! :)
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