I'm returning to work in about a week, DS will be 4mos and will be going to his grandparents house which is great but im feeling very anxious because I feel they are trying to do things way to fast with him like for instance giving him tastes of soda and sweets behind my back. I've told them numerous times not to and all they say is lighten up and my FIL is becoming worse saying I have DS in a bubble. Now FIL is telling me hes going to give DS juice the first day he turns 4 mos because he knows hes tired of my breast milk. I feel like im losing all control because I wont be there so they basically can do what they want without me knowing. Dont get me wrong im thankful they are watching him and know they will take care of him I just wish they would respect my way of parenting and the choices I think are best for my son. They dont even care if DH tells them anything they always say you're to by the book.
Mrs. Mommy
Re: Very anxious...vent
I'm hopping on the "don't take your kid to the ILs" wagon. You give all these examples of how they're openly planning on undermining your authority as the parent and making unhealthy choices for your child behind your back, then you say you know they'll take care of him. How, exactly, do you know that to be true when it's clear they're not planning on playing by your rules? -auntie- said it best:
Take your kid somewhere else.
// I love you too. //
I'd flip my sh!t over sneaking him crap food at four months. Where is your DH in all of this.
There are things that I do that I know my mom thinks are silly but when it comes down to it she does her best to stick to our rules and routine whenever she watches DD and would never be deceptive about it.
You see, they are NOT taking care of him if they are not following your wishes as parents.
As PP's said, the grandparents would NOT be watching my child - not even for TWO minutes - if that were the case. My child, my rules. Especially on things such as food, soda, etc.
And to say that your 4 month old is tired of your BM? Rude much? Obnoxious and just nasty? Yes.
If I were you, I'd look for alternate daycare ASAP. If they don't respect your choices with things like what to give the baby for drinks, chances are, they're not going to respect ANYTHING you have to say.
That said, based on things they've said, I would bet they're going to do whatever the fck they want and tell you otherwise.
I know it sucks, but I could not deal with that. I'd find alterntive arrangements. Not only is this going to worsen your relationship with your ILs, it will undoubtedly cause tension between you and your DH.
Yes he does and they say ok but I dont think that will be the case when we arent around.