When do you recommend to have the hospital bag packed? I've had singletons before and know when to pack those bags, but for twins?? At what point would you say to have it packed by?
I think most will tell you to do so by 30 weeks. To be honest, even though I was placed on bed rest at 28 weeks, it wasn't until my water broke at 37W5D that I actually packed my bag (although I had a list of what to pack together by about 35 weeks).
I made a list a few weeks ago, but just started putting the bag together this week. I figure that I am more likely to go to full term if I have everything ready ahead of time, since that seems to be the way life works! Lol
I was packed at 30 weeks, and started keeping my bag in the car at 32 weeks. I found out during my 34 week appointment we were having the babies that day!
30 weeks is a good goal...at least to have a list by. I had mine pretty much ready by 31 or 32 weeks I think but I also had a list ready of things I'd need to grab at the last minute.....hairbrush, toothbrush etc, which was very helpful both for my false alarm and for the day I found out I was having my babies within hours.
Re: when to pack?
I am no help, I think I packed the night I went into the hospital.
But I did have my bag ready with older DD at 36 weeks