October 2011 Moms

I am super woman!

Here's the rundown of my day:

5:55 am - wake up with bloody-murder-screaming toddler

7:00 am - get ready for work/make breakfast (homemade waffles)

7:30 am - leave for work

9:30 am - go to class

10-11 - class

11-11:15 - speedy Walmart run for some last minute ingredients, Cheap clearance valentines chocolates for some coworkers, and a shirt for Layla

11:45, home, make salad to go, feed DD lunch, pick up DH's mess

12 - 5 back to work

5 - drop off pampered chef order, pick up items for supper

5:25 - home, show my Mom a slideshow I made for BFF's bday tomorrow

6:00 cook supper/ feed DD & I while typing up homework assignment

6:30 - bathtime for monkeybutt

6:45-7:30 jammies & playtime with my little ham while I fold and put away her laundry

7:30 - baby bedtime, mix up cake #1 

8-8:30 cake #1 in oven, do 2 loads of dishes (by hand)

8:30 - type up homework assignment #2

8:45 - pull cake out of oven, mix up cake #2

9:30 - cake #2 in oven

9:30-10 - more homework 

10:05 - pull cake #2 from oven 

10:10 - swap laundry over again

10:15 - post here :)

Yes. I am superwoman.  


 Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: I am super woman!

  • Wow. I am seriously impressed. The most noteworthy thing I did today was put actual pants on. This cold will be the death of me. Are all your days this full/crazy?




  • Glad to see you on here!
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  • imagepunkin05:
    Wow. I am seriously impressed. The most noteworthy thing I did today was put actual pants on. This cold will be the death of me. Are all your days this full/crazy?

    I put pants on today too! Yoga pants, that is...
    Wtg, Angel! You're a freaking rock star.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • imagepunkin05:
    Wow. I am seriously impressed. The most noteworthy thing I did today was put actual pants on. This cold will be the death of me. Are all your days this full/crazy?


    Um, yeah pretty much.  

    I work 7:30-5 every day, and go to school 3 days a week... plus every other monday I have stuff to do with my Rec department, every tuesday I do Zumba, Wednesdays I don't work but I have Anatomy Lab, and it's the day I run all our errands and get groceries, plus DH has Karate so we occasionally go with him to that, thursdays I try to stay home in the evenings with DD, Fridays I usually do Yoga but it was cancelled tonight.  The cakes aren't every weekend but tomorrow is BFF's 30th birthday and we're throwing her a surprise party, I also got paid to make a 50th anniversary cake for a friend's grandmother.  


    I am going to bed now. Up early tomorrow to decorate and deliver said cakes, plus get things ready for BFF's party. Fun Fun! Have a good weekend everyone! 

     Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • How do you know the times that you do everything?!

    I just...do stuff all day.

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • You are superwoman and that is a long day! 
    image"width="200px"> Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • Holy Crap!  Busy lady!  Yesterday I got yelled at by C when we went to IKEA.  Oh, and we played outside since the sun was out and it was 50 degrees.  That's really all I remember. (besides the usual crap of trying to clean, pick up toys, dishes, mop floor, etc)
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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