

Someone on the 6 to 9 month board mentioned her DD had been using "the potty" for months.

After I asked what she meant she said they practice elimination communication.

I'm gonna come right out and say it, this is hilarious to me. The thought of holding my baby over a toilet when I think he needs to poop and pee just seems bizarre.

Anyone here with experience in EC?

Anyone agree with my feelings on the topic or am I super out of touch with these methods?

Re: EC

  • I think dr Phil did this with his grandchild.

    I'm not knocking a parent who can do this, but do I find it a little nuts? Yes. And by a little... I mean, a lot.
  • imageSpooko:
    I'm pretty sure Fred did this, or a modification of it. We talked about it around 13 mo when DD was showing a ton of interest and letting me know that she had to go, but we'd never get there in time so I gave up. Plus, it's more successful if you start sooner. I don't think it's really crazy if it works for your family, which obviously it does for some.

    I hear ya on that, like anything if it works for your kid and your family then more power to you.

    Maybe I'm just too lazy to hang my baby over a toilet.
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  • imagechapski:
    I think dr Phil did this with his grandchild.

    I'm not knocking a parent who can do this, but do I find it a little nuts? Yes. And by a little... I mean, a lot.

    Dr Phil visual, haha!

    And I'm glad someone here thinks its nuts.
  • My SIL did it a bit but she CDed and the baby had a very distinct face/grunting when she was about to poop so it was easier in that sense. Most of the time with DS I didn't know he pooped until I could smell it.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We've been placing N on the toilet here and there for months, but it's really just to keep her comfortable with it.  There is no patience in the world that would make me want to do it every time I think she's going potty. 

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • I think it's nuts and seems like the parents are just adding way more stress and work on themselves than is necessary.
  • We did with ds, and will with this lo. He completely pt'd at 20 months. I had significantly fewer diapers to wash, and it really helped his skin with chronic rashes. Even our dermatologist was imprssed. Also, it's how a lot of the rest of the world does things. But yes, I thought it was totally crackpot at first.

    Eta:Thanks Fred. We also did part time, although we started at 7 weeks.

    1. Less work, not more. Ds has been able to hold it for about 2 hours always. I just took him as often as I would've changed a diaper. And pooping in a toilet is much less work than a diaper.

    2. He HATED diaper changes. He likes using the potty.

    3. I have always taken him in public. It's not different. He lets me know when he needs to go, and we go. If we have to wait in line, so be it. We did this on a trip to DC when we was 12 months without one single dirty diaper, even on the plane or at night.

    BFP#1 "Watermelon" born 3/2011
    BFP#2 "Pumpkin" 7/14/12 ~ EDD 3/23/13 ~ Natural M/C 8/3/12 @ 7 weeks
    BFP#3 "Pineapple"  born 4/2013
    BFP#4 "Grapefruit" EDD 3/29/16
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