Do I want my newbie stash to include wool? I'm doing GMD prefolds and workhorse fitteds with covers for 75% of the time, with a small stash (16 for my twins) of newborn AIOs & pockets to try out different brands before committing to any one brand for the OS phase.
I'm intrigued by wool covers for night time. Which brand should I try if I take the plunge? I am NOT a DIY/crafty mom, so I'm looking for brand recommendations.
Re: FTM Q: Wool?
I like my disana brand,they are very affordable and they have front 0 to 6 months,6 to 12 months,12 to 24 months and 2 to 3 t 3 to 4 t sides.
I just got two covers,I got a free shipping and with the coupon that i used I got 2 oz of lanolin and a 4 oz of wool bar soap,so i don't have to be worry about buying more covers and lanolin,I think a have a lot for the rest of the year.
I feel like the advantage of wool is for those longer stretches when baby starts to STTN, and it gives you a breathable system that can still contain pee.
For the cost I would say it's not worth it at the NB stage, but it certainly doesn't hurt to have wool at any stage, if money is no object.